Club Charity
Running Somewhere Else supports charities; feel free to make a donation yourself and make a difference! We raise funds for charities through social events, our club race – the Fairford 10k – and through donations when legitimately having someone else’s race number.
Our 2024-25 Charity is The Big Yellow Bus Project
The Mission for The Big Yellow Bus Project is offering support and guidance, encouraging growth, confidence and stability in life’s steps ahead to all adults within our community.
The Big Yellow Bus Project has evolved massively since it first opened its doors on Christmas Eve 2018 to support rough sleepers. The small team have kept the same mission but now offer a wider variety of services to the whole community which have become especially valuable as the cost of living crisis has impacted so many people.
Homelessness is not just about people sleeping rough on the streets, it is also people sleeping in cars or vans, sleeping on people’s sofas and always on the move. This lack of stability and security can be extremely hard to manage and lead to additional problems.
The Big Yellow Bus Project offers the whole community with a variety of services from 1-2-1 therapy sessions, anxiety support group, financial advice, and art classes amongst many other services from their support centre. They have a real emphasis on tailoring sessions to the needs of the group or individual and always account for the financial situations to maximize help they can offer. The centre is funded through several avenues including the profit made from the operation of their shop in the Woolmarket that opened in 2019, as well as donations from individuals and organisations. The team in the shop also supports people in desperate need of items e.g. clothing.
They are a small team and very local charity which is why it is a great organisation for RSE to get behind this year.
For more information The Big Yellow Bus Project
Previous Charities
2023-24 TIC+ £4010.21
2022-23 Cirencester Opportunity Group £4000
2021-22 The Great Western Air Ambulance £3,853.05
2019-21 Cotswold Counselling £1,500 via online and virtual fundraising throughout Covid pandemic.
2018-19 Cirencester Signpost £2,450. Read more about the donation here.
2017-18 The Churn Project £2,400
2016-17 CHYP (Cirencester Housing for Young People) £1,700
2015-16 Winston’s Wish £1,400
2013-14 Cirencester Open Air pool