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RSE Chair
KeymasterHi Sharon, sounds great, the Somewhere Else BBQ’s have a fine reputation, you can sign up Laura and me for it 🙂
I’ve taken your phone number off the post just in case – as you might not want the whole world ringing you up! Folks can reply below or look out for the sheet at training…
RSE Chair
Keymaster…quick update – I’ve just heard from Laura; she decided to pull out about half way through today’s stage having covered about 65 miles over the course of the weekend.
She still sounds in good spirits and has learnt a lot from the race in terms of training needed and being able to test kit out. She was just getting slower and slower and felt she should stop before getting completely knackered and having to cope with navigating in the dark (cut off for today’s stage was 4am tomorrow morning!). A few others chose to pull out at the same point she did in addition to the 7 people that stopped yesterday. The starting field was around 100 this year – last year only 28 people finished from around 60 starters!
It’s not called the toughest UK multi day ultra for nothing, last year’s womens winner said she found it tougher than the MDS!
RSE Chair
KeymasterJust to say that Laura survived the first day (36 miles) finishing at 11pm, an hour before the cut off time. She had some issues with navigation in the dark and felt a bit knackered but hopefully will be fine to start today.
She was most impressed to see Kate and Wills turn up to start the race ‘Kate looked amazing!’.
Today is the biggy – 66 miles! Laura wanted to at least finish this stage if she could and then see how she felt before taking on day three, a walk in the park at 34 miles 🙂
RSE Chair
KeymasterThe start times are up now, I’m off at 11:50 and you’re down for 9:30 so we might not see each other!
It’s worth getting there early so you can see how the other waves go off and get an idea of how it all works… Good luck!