The Somewhere Else are putting on an after race BBQ for us at £5 per head for burger and all the trimmings or Harissa chicken or Halloumi with a selection of salads and cake. All those interested please let me know by replying below. There will be a sheet to sign at training evenings.
This topic was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by RSE Chair.
Hi Sharon, sounds great, the Somewhere Else BBQ’s have a fine reputation, you can sign up Laura and me for it 🙂
I’ve taken your phone number off the post just in case – as you might not want the whole world ringing you up! Folks can reply below or look out for the sheet at training…
Hi Sharon, sounds ace. Can I get 2 places please, forgot to sign up monday then didn’t make it tonight. Is it ok to bring the kiddies? (we’ll sort them for food)