A friendly running club based in Cirencester!

Isolation Effort Session

April 15, 2020 all-day

Elaine’s 3 Minute Progressive Efforts🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

If you fancy efforts for this week, how about the following, it should help you think about speed endurance and pacing.

Start with a 10 minute gentle jog to warm up. The session will be 6 lots of 3 minute efforts, with 1 minute recovery. But with a little twist. After the first minute of your effort you will pick up the pace, then again after the 2nd minute (don’t go off too fast 😃). So you should be running your fastest during the final minute of your 3 min effort. (This should help you improve your speed endurance, you will be running your hardest when you are tiring).

You choose your pace, as long as it steadily increases! I’ve suggested doing 6 of these 3 minute efforts, but some of you may choose to do less, some more. Try to keep your efforts consistent 😃.

So in summary 3 minutes effort (1 min slow, 1 min med, 1 min fast) then 1 minute recovery, x 6.

Most importantly, stay safe, and keep following social distancing advice 👍


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