A friendly running club based in Cirencester!

Cotswold Way 2018 Final teams

Final teams entered into the Cotswold way,

RSE Marvellous Men (no 10)

  1. Dave Witnall
  2. Henry Church
  3. Animal
  4. Ollie Hazel
  5. Ben Chapman
  6. John Buck
  7. Mark Garrett
  8. Tom Cooper
  9. Martyn Joyce
  10. Dave Daniels

RSE Wonderful Women (no 11)

  1. Laura Peters
  2. Tracey Pitts
  3. Kirsty Pitts
  4. Jess Osborne
  5. Emma Hine
  6. Rosie Oates
  7. Sallie Clatworthy
  8. Sharon Smith
  9. Teresa Hazelwood
  10. Jo Wood

RSE Magnificent mixed (no 12)

  1. Ellie Taylor
  2. Sarah Reynolds
  3. Dave Whitlow
  4. Elaine Chapman
  5. Amelia Culshaw
  6. Paul Coates
  7. Becca Wilson
  8. Richard Marshall
  9. Nadine Brown
  10. Martin Sherriff

Thanks all! Looking forward to it!


September BBQ

Running Somewhere Else is proud to announce that our annual Summer BBQ will held on the 2nd of September at Somewhere Else, after the Chedworth 10 mile championship race.

It will be £10/person and again Sampo has kindly said that children can come along for free. To help Sampo cook/buy the correct amount of food, we’d be very grateful if you could get the money to Tracey or Martin by the 27th of August.

Friends/family/partners are welcomed to join us.


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Championship 2018 Update – Short Stuff Specialist Round 3

Hi all,

Thursday 24th May saw the 3rd race in the Short Stuff Specialist Championship 2018, the Fountain 5 mile race. It was a brand new race to Running Somewhere Else, a tough, hilly trail run in the Forest of Dean. Another great turn out saw 6 Men, and 11 Ladies racing for Championship points.

Men’s Competition

Another good run from Dave Witnall saw him collect the 10 points, with Mark Manley close behind to pick up the 9 points as second man in. Steve Phelps ran well to collect 8 points.  Well done to Martin Sherriff and Richard Marshall who both collected their first championships points of the year. How has this affected the top 3 of the short stuff specialist championship? The top 3 remains the same, although have moved around. In Tom’s absence, Dave and Mark have moved into 1st and second place, but there are still 5 more races to go, it could all change. It also looks like Ben Chapman and Steve Phelps might have a good battle for 4th place, both are on 14 points.

  1. David Witnall 29 points
  2. Mark Manley 25 points
  3. Tom Cooper 19 points
  4. Ben Chapman and Steve Phelps 14 points

Ladies Competition

All change again in the top 6, showing how close all our ladies are and how well everyone is running! Elaine Chapman was first lady in collecting the 10 points, with Sharon Smith in second collecting the 9 points. A very close race between Nadine and Ellie saw Nadine just pip Ellie to the 8 points. Well done to Jess Osborne collecting her first points for the year. How has this race affected the top 3 of the Short Stuff Specialist Championship? Elaine maintains her lead, but Nadine and Ellie are not far behind, it’s still early days, and with Sharon, Theresa and Cheri all close as well, it looks like it’s going to be a great competition!

  1. Elaine Chapman 30 points
  2. Nadine Brown 25 points
  3. Ellie Taylor 23 points
  4. Sharon Smith and Teresa Hazelwood 20 points
  5. Cheri Edwards 17 points.

Fantastic running all, it is great to see so many of you competing in the club championship races. The next race in the Short Stuff Specialist Championship is on our doorstep this time, the Cirencester Summer Sizzler on the 13th June.

Happy Running,

Elaine, Club Captain.


Championship 2018 – Short Stuff Specialist Round 2 and Glos AAA round up

Hi all,

Sunday 29th April saw round 2 of the Short Stuff specialist championship, the David McNamee 10km in Temple Guiting. A great turnout of 8 men and 10 women completed this lovely 10km.

Men’s Championship

Another close battle for the 10 points, this time David Witnall took the honours, with Tom Cooper picking up 9. Mark Manley was the third man home to collect the 8 points. Here are the standings after Round 2:

1. Tom Cooper 19 points
1. Dave Witnall 19 points
3. Mark Manley 16 points

Ladies Championship

Another close race with the top 6 ladies all finishing within 2 mins of each other. First lady in collecting the 10 points was Elaine Chapman, a close battle between 2nd and 3rd saw Ellie Taylor pick up the 9 points and Nadine Brown the 8. Current standings as follows:

  1. Elaine Chapman 20 points
  2. Nadine Brown 17 points
  3. Ellie Taylor 16 points

Gloucestershire AAA

As well as a Club Championship race, the David Mcnamee 10km was a race in the Gloucestershire AAA Championships. Several club members picked up AAA championship points, putting them in the top 5 in their age groups! Here is a summary of club members featuring in the top 5 in each age group:

Men Vet 45 – Russell Young 5th place

Men Vet 50 – Mark Manley 3rd place

Ladies Open – Nadine Brown 4th place

Ladies Vet 35 – Elaine Chapman 1st place

Ladies Vet 45 – Amanda Tyler 4th place

Ladies Vet 55 – Sandie Wood 2nd place

Ladies Vet 65 – Sharon Smith 1st place


Fantastic, what great results! Next club race is Fountain 5 mile, a new club race to the RSE championship.

Happy running all!

Elaine, Club Captain