A friendly running club based in Cirencester!

Final Championship Standings 2018

This year saw big changes in the Running Somewhere Else Championship. A new format was introduced with 2 elements, the Endurance Expert and the Short Stuff Specialist Championships. Best results were taken from each of these elements to crown the Overall Club Champion

Last weekend saw the last race in the Short Stuff Specialist Championship, the Calne Clock Change 5km. The end of the month also saw the cut-off point for the marathon component of the Endurance Expert Championship. So all the points have been counted, here are the results for this years championship!

Endurance Expert

Men’s Results

There was only going to be one winner with Tom Cooper dominating over the longer distances. Great competition for the runner up places. 5 races were required to be run to count for this championship.

  1. Tom Cooper 50 points
  2. Andy Masser 38 points
  3. Dave Daniels 31 points

Ladies Results

A fantastic battle for 1st place, a strong start by Nadine Brown, then a strong second half of the season by Sharon Smith, saw a close battle. Both achieved amazing marathon times which gave them good for age for places for the London marathon. In the end Nadine Brown took the honours by only 1 point. There was another close battle for 3rd, with a similar scenario, Elaine Chapman starting the year strong, then Ellie Taylor having an amazing second half of the season with PB after PB.

  1. Nadine Brown 48 points
  2. Sharon Smith 47 points
  3. Elaine Chapman + Ellie Taylor 40 points

Short Stuff Specialist

Men’s results

The men’s championship was a bit of a roller coaster with a different top 3 after every race! It was very close between the top 3. But in the end, Tom Cooper proved he was not only an endurance expert but strong over the short distances as well.

  1. Tom Cooper 49 points
  2. David Witnall 46 points
  3. Mark Manley 44 points

As well as the top 3, well done to Steve Phelps and Ben Chapman, who both ran really well in this championship, just missing out on the top 3, but joint 4th. Both picked up 10 points, during the championship, Ben at the Bourton mile and Steve at the Cricklade 10km.  Great running guys.

Ladies results

The ladies championship was very close. Elaine Chapman got off to a great start, but then Teresa Hazelwood dominated the middle races in the championship. In the end, it was close with Elaine just winning by 2 points. Sharon Smith was also very close, just 1 point behind Teresa.

  1. Elaine Chapman 46 points
  2. Teresa Hazelwood 44 points
  3. Sharon Smith 43 points

Overall Championship results

Men’s result

29 Men competed in championship races this year, which is fantastic! It was a great battle. Tom has proved himself to be a true champion with a strong win. Mark and Dave both ran well. In fact they both finished with the same points! So this year, with the new format we’ve agreed to honour the tie.

  1. Tom Cooper 80 points
  2.  Mark Manley and David Witnall 69 points

Great running!

Ladies Results

An outstanding 47 women competed in championship races this year, fantastic. With Nadine Brown winning the endurance championship and Elaine Chapman winning the Short Stuff championship, Sharon Smith proved to be the best all rounder, by winning the overall championship. Nadine and Elaine ended up with equal points, so another tie for 2nd place!

  1. Sharon Smith 75 points
  2. Nadine Brown and Elaine Chapman 71 points

What an awesome year we’ve had, it’s been so fantastic to see so many runners flying the RSE flag. A great championship and some great results. Well done to all who took part this year.

We’ll be announcing the 2019 races soon,

Happy running,

Elaine, Club Co-Captain





Club Championship 2018 Update

Hi all, 7th October saw a first for the Running Somewhere Else championship – 2 club races at the same time!  With the new championship format, the Cricklade 10km and half marathon were both club races. And in another twist, they were both the handicap races for each championship. The handicap race is always the chance to mix things up with the points not always going to the quickest, but to those who improved on their handicap time the most. It always gives everyone a fair shot at the 10 points regardless of speed. I shan’t repeat the handicap results, as I just posted them, plus they’re also available in the championship section of the website. But how has the handicap affected the various championship results?

Endurance Expert – Men’s competition

With Tom having already secured first place, there was no change at the top. In fact there was no change in the top 3!

  1. Tom Cooper 50 points
  2. Andy Masser 31 points
  3. Dave Daniels 26 points.

With only the marathon left, the battle for 2nd and 3rd is still on!

Endurance Expert – Ladies competition

Nadine Brown has secured the endurance expert championship! No one can overtake her now. Sharon Smith has moved into second place ahead of Elaine Chapman, having now completed 5 races. Elaine managed to improve her points and Ellie Taylor is close and has also completed 5 races.

  1. Nadine Brown 48 points
  2. Sharon Smith 43 points
  3. Elaine Chapman 39 points

Short Stuff Specialist – Men’s competition

With a great battle between Steve Phelps and Ben Chapman, there was change again in the top 3. Mark Manley maintains his lead, but Ben and Steve are joint second! Tom and Dave still has a race in hand, so all could still change. It will basically go to the last race, how exciting!

  1. Mark Manley 43 points
  2. Ben Chapman and Steve Phelps – 40 points each

Short Stuff Specialist – Ladies competition

No change in the ladies competition, it looks like this championship will also go to the last race!

  1. Elaine Chapman 46 points
  2. Teresa Hazelwood 44 points
  3. Sharon Smith 40 points

Overall Championship – Men’s competition

Tom Cooper is in a very strong position, with 79 points, I’m not sure anyone can beat him now. As for 2nd and 3rd, It is very close between Dave Witnall and Mark Manley, with only a race left in both championships, it’ll be an exciting finish to the year.

  1. Tom Cooper 79 points
  2. Dave Witnall 61 points
  3. Mark Manley 59 points

Overall Championship – Ladies competition

This could not be any more exciting. 1 long race and 1 short race left. Currently there is a tie between Elaine Chapman, Nadine Brown and Sharon Smith for 1st place! All 3 are on 71 points. It is literally going to the end of the club season!

  1. Elaine Chapman, Nadine Brown and Sharon Smith – all on 71 points!!!

Fantastic running everyone. I can’t wait to see what happens in the next few weeks. It’s been a great championship this year!

(Can you tell I’m excited!!!)

Elaine Chapman, Club Co-captain

Championship 2018 Handicap results

The Cricklade 10km and Cricklade Half marathon were the handicap races for this years championship. With the new championship set up with our Endurance Expert Championship and Short Stuff Specialist championship, this was the first time that club members had the choice of 2 distances to compete in to qualify for points.

The handicap race is different from other club races in that the top points don’t necessarily go to the quickest runner, but the runner who has improved on their allocated handicap time the most.

The top 3 of this year’s handicap races are as follows:

Men’s 10km

  1. Steve Phelps
  2. Ben Chapman
  3. Steve Sandercock

Men’s Half Marathon

  1. Ryo Taylor
  2. Paul Coates
  3. David Witnall

Ladies 10km

  1. Caroline Coates
  2. Amanda Haines
  3. Caroline Joynes-Creed

Ladies Half Marathon

  1. Kirsty Pitts
  2. Rochelle Ravenscroft
  3. Sandie Wood

Some fantastic running, with many runners absolutely smashing their handicap times! Great work all. The winners of each category will all receive a prize, which will be presented at the next club social. Well done. Full results are found under the championship section of the website.

Great Running!

Elaine, Club co-captain

Timings For Our Championship Handicap Races @ Cricklade 10k and Half Marathon

Hey gang.

So as you should all be aware by now, we’re using the Cricklade 10k and the half marathon as our handicap race for this seasons championship.

Elaine has explained previously the iterations and rules regarding the handicap, so I won’t explain them again here, but if you’re unsure or haven’t had a chance to read yet, then CLICK HERE TO SEE HER ORIGINAL POST OUTLINING ALL THE RELEVANT DETAILS.

I’ve been through all the race reports for the year to formulate your handicap time. I’ve omitted any trail runs as part of your handicap time as they’re so often wildly different to your road times, so we took the decision to leave them out completely.

As we’ve mentioned before, the handicap is a great opportunity to get some great points on the board for the overall championship and really shake things up!

It was a hell of a task compiling all this, so if you think I’ve missed you off or if you think your times don’t seem right, or if you’re marked as na N/A when you know you’ve done a race (of the same distance that you’re running on Sunday) since the start of the year, don’t hesitate to tell me in person at club, or via whatsapp (I’m ‘Coops’ on the group so you can just message me directly.)

So your handicap times for the relevant races on Sunday are as follows…


  • Nadine Brown – 49:23
  • Caroline Coates – 1:10:58
  • Cheri Edwards – 50:00
  • Sarah Gray – 1:01:06
  • Amanda Haines – 1:07:06
  • Caroline Joynes-Creed – 1:13:18
  • Jane Odell – 1:06:36
  • Steve Phelps – 48:21
  • Martin Pitts – 50:41
  • Steve Sandercock – 54:15
  • Caroline Sandercock – 1:07:21
  • Libby Saunders – N/A
  • Kay Thompson – 1:17:39
  • Pauline Tilbury – N/A
  • Dave Witnall – 43:53

Half Marathon

  • Jo Beames – N/A
  • Helen Berry – N/A
  • Elaine Chapman – 1:53:32
  • Paul Coates – 2:00:25
  • Tom Cooper – 1:28:27
  • Dave Daniels – 1:42:48
  • Rebecca Hodgetts – N/A
  • Timothy Hodgetts – N/A
  • Martyn Joyce – N/A
  • Kevin Joynes-Creed – N/A
  • Mark Manley – 1:36:59
  • Rosie Oates – N/A
  • Jessica Osbourne – N/A
  • Kirsty Pitts – 2:05:24
  • Rochelle Ravenscroft – 2:03:13
  • Sarah Reynolds – N/A
  • Gareth Roberts – N/A
  • Sharon Smith – 1:46:19
  • Ellie Taylor – 1:51:26
  • Rich Taylor – 2:09:59
  • Dave Whitlow – N/A
  • Rebecca Wilson – N/A
  • Sandie Wood – 2:12:41

Have fun on Sunday, it’s a very kind course for a PB and the RSE representation is nothing short of fantastic this year.

Looking forward to seeing you all then.
