A friendly running club based in Cirencester!

Treasure Hunt and 2:1 Burgers

Thanks to the brilliant efforts of our fantastic coaching team, RSE is proud to announce that we will be hosting a Treasure Hunt on the 15th of August (during our usual efforts session). Following this, we would like to invite all members for drinks and 2:1 burgers at Somewhere Else after the session.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

RSE Social Media Policy & New WhatsApp ‘Info Only’ Group

Further to comments made at the AGM, the RSE Committee has been working hard on producing a Social Media Moderation Policy and additional WhatsApp group to communicate information relating to the club.

The policy can be found on the ‘Join’ page of the RSE website (https://www.runningsomewhereelse.com/join-in/)

We do not want to lose the support and fun you each contribute within the current WhatsApp group chat but feel that important messages can be lost and therefore will be setting up and additional ‘INFO ONLY’ group whereby important and relevant information will be posted by Committee Members only. If you opted in to WhatsApp on your membership form you will be added to this group shortly.

Any questions please feel free to speak to a member of the Committee.

Race Results – New Comms Officer


Dave Daniels – Communications Officer

Following the Club’s AGM last week we are pleased to announce that Dave Daniels is now RSE’s Communications Officer. Dave will be writing and publishing the race report each week so we can continue to celebrate all running achievements for club members.

As you have been doing, please let Dave know if you have raced each week ASAP (but before 5pm on the Sunday) if you would your race times to be included.

It is useful if you can provide the following details:

  • the name & distance of the race
  • a brief description of the race route
  • your chip time
  • Any other interesting info e.g. PB/SB, your first half marathon etc.
  • A photo!

Dave can be contacted via WhatsApp / text on 07505766964 or email: davedaniels226@yahoo.co.uk

Happy running all,

Nadine 🙂

Championship 2018 update – Short Stuff specialist and overall round up

Hi all,

Wednesday 13th June saw the 4th race in the Short Stuff Specialist Championship, in fact half way. A fantastic turnout saw 11 men and 22 ladies competing, many in their first club championship race. Well done to Tony Wilkins, Wayne Edgington, George Rackley, Helen Berry, Lisa Courtney, Sarah Page, Cathy Steer, Vanessa Poole, Lisa Evans, Caroline Joynes-Creed, Edith Putt, Charlie Austin and Kay Thompson for picking up your first club championship points!

Men’s Competition

An amazing run by Tom Cooper saw him pick up the 10 points as first man home, with Mark Manley picking up 9, and Andy Masser 3rd in for the 8 points. This race has seen change in the top 3. Mark Manley has moved into 1st place with 34, with Dave Witnall and Tom Cooper joint second place, both with 29 points. Ben Chapman, has edged ahead in the battle with Steve Phelps for 4th place.

  1. Mark Manley 34 points
  2. Tom Cooper and David Witnall 29 points

Ladies Competition

All change again in this race showing how strong the ladies competition is this year. A fantastic run saw Teresa Hazelwood pick up the 10 points as first lady, followed by Sharon Smith for the 9. Elaine Chapman just pipped Nadine Brown for the 8.

  1. Elaine Chapman 38 points
  2. Nadine Brown 32 points
  3. Teresa Hazelwood 30 points

The next race in the Short Stuff specialist Championship will be the Bourton Mile 21st July, which is a new race to the championship and is bound to provide some interesting results!

Overall Championship so far

With the half way mark in both championships reached (many have run marathons already in the Endurance expert section), here are the results so far. The best 4 results of each category are counted. I have not included marathon results in the endurance expert section as this is ongoing. But there are now 4 races remaining in each section.

Men’s Championship

Tom is dominating the Endurance expert championship so far, and running strongly in the short stuff section, so is looking in a strong position. Mark Manley is running well and has a good marathon time under his belt. Dave Witnall has put some great runs in as well, so there is a close competition for the top 3.

  1. Tom Cooper 59 points
  2. Mark Manley 43 points
  3. David Witnall 37 points

Ladies Championship

Nadine is proving herself to be a true endurance expert, with a brilliant marathon under her belt, and Elaine has been running well in the shorter runs, the ladies championship is really close! Teresa and Sharon are both running strongly, and Ellie, Cheri and Jo all close too, it looks like an exciting competition this year.

  1. Elaine Chapman 64 points
  2. Nadine Brown 61 points
  3. Sharon Smith 37 points.

Great running all, the next club championship race will be the Two Tunnels half marathon in July, another new race to the championship.

I would just like to welcome Tom Cooper who is now Vice/Joint Captain and will now be working with me on the championship.

Happy running all!

Elaine, Club captain