A friendly running club based in Cirencester!

Overall Championship 2019 – Update

With 4 Short races, and 5 Endurance races completed, we are starting to see who the main contenders for this years overall championship are. It’s a very exciting competition this year, and I predict it will go right to the end to determine the top 3, and who will be our first Masters trophy winner.

Men’s Competition

There has been change in the top 3. David Witnall is running strongly and has a good lead in the men’s championship. There is a good competition for the 2nd and 3rd places, with many in the mix.

  1. David Witnall – 59 points
  2. Mark Garrett – 43 Points
  3. Ben Chapman – 40 points

Ladies Competition

This year’s ladies championship is very close, with 1 point separating the top 3. But there are runners closing in on that top 3 too.

  1. Rochelle Ravenscroft and Sharon Smith – 55 points
  2. Ellie Taylor – 54 points

Rosie Oates and Kirsty Pitts are in the mix as well with 43 and 42 points respectively.

The next short stuff championship race is the Bourton Mile, and the next Endurance expert race is the Chippenham Half marathon.

Remember, you can count your best marathon or 5km up until 31st October to gain points in each part of the championship

Happy Running!

Elaine, Club Captain

Short Stuff Specialist 2019 update – Round 4

Sunday 23rd June saw the 4th round the of the short stuff specialist championship – the David Macnamee 10km. 7 Men, and 11 ladies competed on a sunny Sunday morning. The conditions were tough, but there was some excellent running.

Men’s Competition

David Witnall continues to dominate the short stuff championship, picking up the 10 points, followed by Mark Garrett for the 9th. A strong run by Dave Daniels in his first short stuff race of the year saw him picking up the 8 points. There has been change in the top 3, but it is still very close.

  1. David Witnall – 30 points
  2. Mark Garrett – 25 points
  3. Ben Chapman – 20 points

Ladies Competition

Another strong run by Rosie Oates saw her collect another 10 points. She was followed by Sharon Smith and Ellie Taylor for 9 and 8 points respectively.

  1. Sharon Smith – 36 points
  2. Rosie Oates – 30 points
  3. Ellie Taylor – 26 points

Short Stuff Specialist – Round 3 Update

The 3rd race in the Shorts Stuff specialist Championship was on our doorstep at the Cirencester Summer Sizzler. An impressive turnout from the club saw 13 Men and 24 Ladies compete! Some excellent running by all.

Men’s Competition

First in for the Men was Dave Witnall picking up the 10 points. Next in was Ollie Hazel for the 9, with Mark Manley picking up 8 points as 3rd man home.

Overall standings so far:

  1. David Witnall 20 points
  2. Mark Manley 17 points
  3. Mark Garrett 16 points

It’s a close competition, with Ben and Gareth not far behind.

Ladies Competition

Rosie Oates stormed home for the 10 points in a very impressive run (and a PB!). A close battle at the end of the race saw Ellie pick up the 9 points, with Sharon picking up 8.

Overall standings so far:

  1. Sharon Smith 27 points
  2. Rosie Oates 20 points
  3. Ellie Taylor 18 points

Sharon has a race in hand, but Rosie and Ellie are close behind. It’s going to be an exciting competition.

Great racing all, the next short stuff specialist race is the Dave Mcnamee 10km. Happy Racing!