A friendly running club based in Cirencester!

RSE’s “Not so Royal” Variety Show & Awards Evening 2020

RSE invites club members to join them for the annual awards night and “Not so Royal” variety performance on the:

12th December 2020 at 7:30pm

This year is a little different as it will be held via Zoom – so performing acts can choose to pre-record or perform on the night! Zoom details will be sent via WhatsApp.

We suggest grabbing a glass (or two) of something you fancy, dressing festive and inviting your family members and pets. This will be a chance to see your club peers as you’ve never seen them before…

Variety Show Entries

Sing, dance or simply tell some jokes, either way, we’d love to see your act! Please send your pre-recorded entries to Ellie Taylor by midday on Saturday 5th December.

Charity Draw

This year we will be doing a virtual charity draw to raise money for the club charity, Cotswold Counselling!

All you have do is donate £5 to the club charity account online, labelled as “50/50 [Your name]”, for a chance to win half the total pot collected! Cut off time for entries is the 12th December at 6pm. The winner will be drawn at random on the night!

If you have any questions about the evening’s events, just let a member of the RSE committee know.

RSE Race Report – 01/11/10 – Wet, Windy and Westonbirt House!

Westonbirt House ‘Easter’ 10k

Postponed from Easter, DB Max hosted their Westonbirt House 10k race instead on the 31st October 2020. Representing Running Somewhere Else were Felicity Crotty and Istvan Vegh, who ignored the torrential rain in the morning to brave the race around the stunning Westonbirt gardens. The 10k race included 3 laps of the site, taking in views of the grounds and the historic house.

Jo Crotty, RSE’s Felicity Crotty and Darren Jenner

Talking on the race, Felicity said:

It was sunny the whole time we ran! Think I would have been less smiley at the end if it had been raining as well as the mud and wind!

The multi terrain run saw nearly 300 runners take to the route, already churned up from DB Max’s duathlon at the same location earlier in the day.

Finishing times from RSE club members were:

  • Istvan Vegh – 53:58
  • Felicity Crotty – 1:04:18

Great running both of you!

RSE AGM 2020

The 2020 Running Somewhere Else AGM took place Monday 27th October, a little later than originally planned and not in its usual format. Headed by Vice Chair, Nadine Brown, and Club Secretary, Sarah Reynolds, the virtual evening went off without a hitch, thanks to their hard work behind the scenes (and perseverance in keeping the other committee members in check!). The night included a PowerPoint presentation, a rundown of the year, updates from the committee, thank yous and club members questions answered.

The committee said goodbye to 2 members, Dave Whitlow and Dave Daniels. Thank you both for all of your hard work over the last few years!

The committee also welcomed newly elected chair, Pauline Tilbury, and Charity Coordinator, Caroline Joynes-Creed. We have no doubt you’ll make excellent members of the RSE committee! Ellie Taylor also swapped her role, and became the new Communications Officer

Although we currently cannot meet all at once for a club session, it was announced that plans for a virtual awards presentation are underway. The Runner’s Runner award has also been renamed to The Rochelle Ravenscroft Memorial Award and a shield will be created in tribute to much loved club member Rochelle, who sadly passed away earlier this year.

For a copy of the meeting minutes and a full run down of the points raised at the AGM, please contact Sarah Reynolds.

Message from Nadine –

Thank you again to everyone who attended. Remember if you have any questions or feedback we always want to hear it, not just at the annual AGM. This is your club and we welcome any suggestions so please do speak to a member of the committee.

We are currently awaiting England Athletics guidance and an announcement will be made regarding club sessions as soon as possible.

RSE Captain’s Time Trial – Fairford 2020

As announced during the AGM, your Club Captains (Elaine Chapman and David Witnall) would like to run a 10km time trial at Fairford. We’re hoping this will be an opportunity for club members to get the chance to do a covid safe race/event before the end of the year.

The date for the event is the 15th November and the first wave will be setting off at 10:00. We’ve done a lot of research into how we can run a covid safe event – for example we will be setting people off in small waves of 5/6 runners with a decent gap between groups. For more information, look at the link below

Finally, we are in the process of setting up the event on the run together app so you can book in. More info will follow. For now, if you are interested, drop a message to Elaine or Dave.