We are pleased to announce your club coaches have been working hard behind the scenes to help improve the coaching offer we give you as Running Somewhere Else members.
Over the coming months we will be delivering your Wednesday night efforts sessions not as individual sessions but as part of a bigger picture which is designed to help you all improve as runners.
In fact we’ve already been doing it since Christmas…
Below you will find the coaching calendar we are working to highlighting the various training blocks within the first 6 months of the year.

- Jan 3rd > 23rd – 3 Week New Year Kick Starter
- A short sharp program of efforts to burn off the Christmas excess and start 2022 in style.
- Jan 24th > Feb 27th – 4 Week Drill Introduction & Development
- Introduction to the importance and benefits of running drills.
- Development of ability to complete drills.
- Feb 28th > April 24th – 8 Week Speed Endurance
- 8 weeks of targeted efforts sessions designed to give runners the ability to run faster for longer.
- These sessions will help runners improve thier times over any distance from 5k to Marathon and will be of particular benefit to those looking for a good time at the Stratford 1/2 Marathon.
- April 25th > June 19th – 8 Weeks Running Stronger
- This 8 week training block will focus on making you a stronger and more injury resistant runner.
- June 20th > July 17th – 4 Weeks of Fun with Form
- During the summer months efforts can be exactly that, an effort.
- This 4 week block provides an opportunity to have some fun, look at our running form and take the chance to enjoy ourselves on what we hope will be some sunny, warm summer evenings.
We want to assure you that the plans we have in place are as inclussive as they always have been (so much so I doubt anyone really noticed we have changed things) but we are now all working towards a targeted goal.
For those of you competing in the club championship races these sessions will act as a great spring board towards improved performances and for those who aren’t we will still help you improve and maintain your running fitness just the same as we always have…
In addition to this later in the year we will be looking at providing individual training plans to work alongside the club structure for members who are targeting specific events. More on this to follow so watch this space.
If you have any questions about what we are doing feel free to speak to either Carol, Dave or Kevin.