A friendly running club based in Cirencester!

RSE Race Report – Sunday 1st March 2020

Gloucestershire AAA Cross Country Championship

The final race in the AAA Cross Country Championship took place on Sunday 1st March at Old Down Country Park, nr Thornbury. The course consisted of mown and fairly flat grass and tracks through woods. There were three hills on each large lap with most of the descent and ascent on grass or a grassy track.

The senior ladies race involved 3 large laps plus a short leg at the start and finish totalling 6.3k. Representing RSE was Rosie Oates who finished in a time of 31:19. She was followed by;

Sharon Smith – 33:50 and 1st in the LV65 category

Nadine Brown – 34:04

Elaine Chapman – 35:27

Kate Potter – 44:32 and 2nd in the FV70 category

A great effort from you all.

Newport Half Marathon

The Newport Half Marathon on Sunday 1st March gave runners the chance to see the iconic features of the City of Newport and the village of Caerleon, with all the proceeds going to support St David’s Hospice.

Representing RSE was Elisabeth Butler who finished in a time of 1:59:01 which was a PB and first sub 2 hour marathon. Great Effort Libby

Wigley Group Half Marathon – Warwick

The Wigley Group Half Marathon started at Warwick Racecourse on Sunday 1 March. The race followed its traditional route through the lovely Warwickshire countryside providing athletes with an excellent opportunity to compete in a slightly undulating, traffic free road race.

Representing RSE was Liz Farooq who finished in a time of 1:56:10 which was a PB and first sub 2 hour half marathon (by a long way). Well done Liz

Bath Two Tunnels

Cutting right under the city of the Bath, the two tunnels offer a truly unique running experience. The first tunnel, the Devonshire Tunnel is 408m long and the second tunnel, Combe Down Tunnel is 1672m long. On Sunday 1st March both 5K and 10k races took place.

The 5km headed steadily uphill towards the Devonshire tunnel, passing by Bloomfield Open space on the left hand side. After rounding the first tunnel runners emerged out in the wooded Lyncombe Vale area. There was a 1km open run along the elevated embankment and through cuttings heading towards Combe Down Tunnel. The turn around for the 5km was just before the entrance to the second tunnel. Runners then enjoyed a slightly downhill run back to the finish.

The 10km followed the 5K route however runners continued into the Combe Down tunnel. The race headed over Tucking Mill viaduct on a gentle downhill gradient towards Midford Station before making a U turn and retracing their steps through the two tunnels.

Representing RSE was Zoe Markham-Lee who completed the 5k in an unofficial time of 29:46 which was a PB, then a 10 minute break before starting the 10k which she finished in 1:02:38. Great effort Zoe.

Lydiard Park Run

Oliver Hughes – 38:19

Caroline Sandercock – 39:16

Worcester Park Run

Felicity Crotty – 30:50

Weymouth Park Run

George Rackley – 30:26

RSE Race Report – Sunday 23rd February 2020

The Terminator 2020

The Terminator took place on Sunday 23rd February in Pewsey Vale, Wiltshire. This was a challenging multi-terrain course of around 12 miles, with a gentle start across fields and a canal towpath. It then got serious with several climbs and a sting in the tail. On the positive side there was a free shoe wash. 

Representing RSE was Kevin Joynes-Creed who finished the race in 2:13:02. He was followed by;

Nadine Brown – 2:15:18

Sharon Smith – 2:17:49 and second in the FV60 category

Oliver Hughes – 2:23:03

Carol Sworn – 2:23:41

Sarah Reynolds in an unofficial time of 2:25:39

Elaine Chapman – 2:29:17

Great effort from you all.

Wokingham Half Marathon

The Wokingham Half Marathon took place on Sunday 23rd February. This race is Berkshire’s traditional first post Christmas Half Marathon. The race started and finished at Cantley Park on fast, flat rural roads.

Representing RSE was Gareth Roberts who finished the race in a new PB time of 1:50:16.

Good running Gareth

Lydiard Park Run

Dave Witnall – 20:37

Ollie Hazel – 21:13

Colney Lane Park Run

Nia Glover – 22:45 and second female

Cirencester Park Run

Rich Hobbs – 22:44

Ellie Taylor – 29:27

Laura Peters – 30:23

Ryo Woodsell – Taylor – 30:25

William Gardiner – 31:38

Pauline Tilbury – 34:41

Oliver Hughes – 37:25

Elaine Chapman – 46:40

Tetbury Goods Shed Park Run

Sharon Smith – 25:31

Felicity Crotty – 28:54

Amanda Ball – 30:08

Zoe Markham-Lee – 31:14

RSE Race Report – Sunday 16th February 2020

Castle Combe Chilly 10k

The Chilly 10k event took place on Sunday 16th February. This was a multi lap race over the flat, smooth, running surface on the famous Castle Combe race circuit. This was also the first race in the short race category for the club championship.

Representing RSE was Dave Witnall who finished the race in 39:44. He was followed by;

Mark Garrett – 40:35 and 1st in the male supervet category

Tom Razazan – 40:38

Mark Manley – 40:38 and 2nd in the male supervet category

Nia Glover – 45:27

Rosie Oates – 47:24

Elaine Chapman – 47:45

Cheri Edwards – 50:32

Istvan Vegh – 51:24

Steve Sandercock – 51:43

Linda Edwards – 51:50 and 3rd in the ladies supervet category

Ryo Taylor – 53:11

Elisabeth Butler – 53:12

Ellie Taylor – 53:20

Kate Bartram – 1:12:11

Fantastic running from you all which also resulted in the ladies coming 1st in the team event. Not to be outdone this was equaled by the men who also achieved 1st in the men’s team event.

Barcelona Half Marathon

The Barcelona half-marathon took place on Sunday 16th February. Also known as the Mitja Marató de Barcelona it is the second largest running event in Barcelona next to the Marathon.

The route took the runners from the Arc de Triomf, by the old town to the Plaça Catalunya. From there it went down the famous Ramblas and along Avenida del Paral·lel. It continued through the modernist Eixample district back to the Arc de Triomf, Parc de la Ciutadella and further along the eastern part of Eixample to the Torre Agbar, one of the most striking buildings in Barcelona. Runners then went along the beach at the Parc de la Ciutadella to Arc de Triomf, which was the finishing line.

Representing RSE was Pauline Tilbury who finished in a time of 2:29:04. Well done Pauline.

Gloucestershire AAA Croos Country League

The latest race in the Gloucestershire AAA Cross Country league took place on Sunday 16th February. This consisted of a 2 lap 6.4 k race for the senior ladies category around Pitville Park, Cheltenham.

Representing RSE was Nadine Brown who finished in a time of 39:48. She was followed by Elaine Chapman who finished in 39:57.

Great effort from you both.

Mentioned in Dispatches

Congratulations to the all runners who took place in the Chilly 10k event with a fantastic turnout from the club. Topped off with RSE winning the mens and ladies team events.

A special mention however has to go to Elaine Chapman. For most people 1 race would be enough today, especially considering the conditions. But not Elaine, who went from the Chilly 10k straight to Cheltenham to complete the cross country event. The things people do to get a free bottle of wine at Castle Combe. Fantastic effort Elaine. I am sure Ben has been looking after you this afternoon.

Tamar Trails Park Run

Felicity Crotty – 30:52

Atholl Park Run

Jenny Hoffman – 34:09

Cirencester Park Run

Ben Chapman – 24:47

Rich Hobbs – 26:51

Elizabeth Lloyd – 30:56

Elaine Chapman – 49:59

RSE Race Report – Sunday 9th February 2020

Hermanus (South Africa) Park Run

Jenny Hoffman – 31:48

Cirencester Park Run

Dave Witnall – 20:12 and first place overall. Well done

Elaine Chapman – 24:10

Jo Wood – 24:54

Carol Sworn – 26:34

Kevin Joynes-Creed – 26:35

Linda Edwards – 27:12

Amanda Ball – 29:00

Nadine Brown – 29:09

Ellie Taylor – 29:10

Sandie Wood – 31:10

Sharon Smith – 31:23

Sarah Page – 31:42

Oliver Hughes – 41:15

Tetbury Goods Shed Park Run

Ollie Hazel – 21:14

Martin ‘Ted’ Pitts – 28:21