A friendly running club based in Cirencester!

Motivation and Mantras – Running in 2021

Challenging Yourself in 2021

At the start of 2021, we asked club members on Facebook what their running goals were for the upcoming year. After 2020 put a stop to races and normal running schedules, a lot of runners have had to re-assess how they motivate themselves to continue running – we’ve all had our ups and downs when it comes to battling weather or injury!

65% of respondents want to run just for the love of it!

Here is how the respondents voted on Facebook:

Under ‘Other’, club members mentioned running injury free and getting back to the sport after a long period of time.

In a time when a lot of people are spending their days at home, it’s important to find that drive to exercise, whether that’s a walk in the fresh air or breaking some running PB’s. Would you choose one of the above options? Or have you set yourself another running challenger? And nearly a month in to 2021, are you maintaining your goal?

Let RSE know how it’s going, we would love to hear from you! You could comment below this blog, send a message on WhatsApp or post on Facebook.

Coaches Tips of the Week

Use a mantra while running to help you think positively – mine is “Keep your head up, keep your heart strong”, inspired by a Ben Howard song my girlfriend always plays. Not only does it remind me to use good posture, but also to keep going when running feels tough.

Coach and Club Captain Dave Witnall

I saw this earlier in the week and really liked it – If you’re finding your run hard, it’s because you’re making it hard. You set the pace, you set the intensity, you are the one in control. It’s your run – you decide how you want it to feel.

Head Coach Kevin Joynes-Creed
Snow day runs are the best! Did you run in the snow today?

If you’ve completed a goal or personal challenge, however big or small, contact Ellie Taylor (me) via WhatsApp, as I’d love to feature you in the club news report.

The Virtual Fairford 10k – Run it Somewhere Else

As with many races, it was with a heavy heart that the annual race organised by Running Somewhere Else, Fairford 10k, was postponed for 2020. To end the year on a positive however, race director, Pauline Tilbury, announced the first ever Virtual Fairford 10k – Run it Somewhere Else!

There was a fantastic response to the race, with over 140 entries including 30 RSE club members. Throughout December, members took to the streets, footpaths and trails, running in small groups (when allowed) along the normal Fairford 10k route, others running laps around their house. Being December, club members ran through all weathers – well done to Sarah R., Sharon and Liz who ran in a downpour (familiar after their Virtual London marathon feats!) and to Rachel B., who chose to run in the snow! (The photos looked fantastic!).

My last virtual race of the year – took a wrong turn twice on route so had to slow down and ask for directions! Thanks to Steve for organising the run on the normal Fairford 10k route. We even had a mince pie at the finish as it’s Christmas!

Elliot Gardiner
Steve Sandercock and Elliot Gardiner

Team RSE did not disappoint in podium places, with club members taking 1st and 2nd in the men’s category, and 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the women’s! A fantastic performance by Rosie Oates saw her take minutes off her time to secure a PB.

I headed out to my nearest RSE route on a bit of a mission to push for one last chance to have a race in 2020, regardless of being virtual! I am so pleased with the results and still can’t really believe I’ve ran a 10k in that time!

Rosie Oates

Other club members used the virtual race as a good incentive to get back into running or racing – a special congratulations to all runners who completed their first ever 10k and to those who ran in an RSE vest for the first time!

  • David Witnall  – 40.12 – 1st Overall/ 1st Male
  • Rosie Oates – 42.29 – 2nd Overall/ 1st Female – New PB!
  • Andy Masser – 44.54 – 3rd Overall/ 2nd Male
  • Eleanor Taylor – 47.51 – 2nd Female
  • Rachel Bodey – 49.15 – 3rd Female
  • Jo Wood – 52.01
  • Sarah Reynolds – 52.17
  • Sarah Page – 52.33
  • Elliot Gardiner – 52.44
  • Martin Pitts – 53.54
  • Vicki Mason – 54.4
  • Liz Farooq – 57.01
  • Sharon  Smith – 57.01
  • Cheri Edwards – 57.35
  • Zan Futter – 57.36
  • Anne Gardiner – 57.51
  • Kirsty Pitts – 58.13    
  • Janet Daniels – 58.56
  • Martin Sherriff – 59.01
  • Andy Sworn – 59.06
  • Taryn Hancock – 59.08
  • Gareth Roberts – 59.25
  • Becca Wilson – 1.02.00
  • Jenny Hoffmann – 1.02.00
  • Teresa Hazelwood – 1.03.27
  • Kevin Joynes-Creed – 1.03.30
  • Caroline Joynes-Creed – 1.03.30
  • Pauline Tilbury – 1.03.37
  • Amanda Ball – 1.05.00
  • Felicity Crotty – 1.09.10
  • Nadine Brown – 1:11:00 – helping a friend complete their first ever 10k!
  • Caroline Terry – 1.21.00  

RSE Race Report – 20/12/2020 – Tis the season to be running!

Chippenham Shortest Day 10k

Originally called the “Chippenham 10k Longest Day”, race organisers postponed the event to the only day that made sense – the shortest day! Runners had the choice to run the race on route or take on the virtual option.

Starting and finishing at Monkton Park, the route was mixed terrain, with mostly trail but some road parts. Representing RSE on the set route was Sharon Smith, who finished in an excellent time of 49:50 and was 1st in the LV70 category!

The route was very muddy, as expected, and busy with cyclists and dog walkers at 11am. It was undulating as well. The race was very well marshalled, thank heavens, as there were no runners in site!

Sharon Smith

Running the race virtually was Pauline Tilbury, who ran a time of 1:03:12 at the end of a 50 mile week! Pauline’s route took her around Cirencester Park – well done for choosing to take on ‘that’ hill!

This has been one of my favourite races since I started in 2012 and I got a PB there twice. Shame not to have been on the course but I chose the safe option of running it virtually.

Pauline Tilbury

Hullavington Secret Santa ’10’ Mile Race

After avoiding lockdown, Hullavington 10 mile instead faced another challenge when part of the route was closed off due to flooding. Not to be deterred, race organisers re-routed the event, which then came in just shy of 8 miles (7.7 miles according to Strava!). The road race was undulating, starting at the Hullavington Arms public house and taking in the picturesque countryside around Grittleton and Hullavington. Safety precautions meant that runners were set off in waves of 6 and had their tempreture taken before the start.

Jo, Cheri and Vicki

RSE runners came out in force for the event, with 8 members competing – well done to all runners, who we can assume got a new PB in a 7.7 mile race!

Undulating course but fantastic weather – sunny and cold. Some beautiful village scenery in Grittleton and Sevington.

Jo Wood

Great to be out in a yellow vest and the best chocolate brownie I’ve ever tasted at the end!

Vicki Mason

Unfortunately at the time of writing this report, there have been some problems with the official times. Here is a combination of runner and recorded times:

  • Tom Razazan – 51:18
  • Ollie Hazel – 52:15
  • Andy Masser – 55:18
  • Nia Glover – 55:48
  • Elaine Chapman – 1:01:18
  • Jo Wood – 1:01:27
  • Cheri Edwards – 1:04:27
  • Vicki Mason – 1:11:48

A lovely sunny run, rewarded with cake at the end!

Nia Glover

I enjoyed it, nice quiet country roads. Passed over the motorway twice. Friendly atmosphere and well marshalled.

Cheri Edwards

RSE Race Report – 06/12/2020 – Chilly Races of all Distances!

Henley Culden Faw Estate Races6th November

Kevin, Caroline, Sharon, Becca and Sarah!

Taking in woodland, farmland and conservation areas, the Culdan Faw Estate races boast picturesque routes, perfect for trail runners. Runners had a choice of half marathon, 10k and 5k, and all paces and levels were encouraged to enter.

RSE’s Kevin Joynes-Creed, Sarah Reynolds, Sharon Smith and Becca Wilson challenged themselves to the half marathon, while Caroline Joynes-Creed took on the 10k.

There was a bit too much tarmac really, but also some leg sapping hills and very friendly marshals. Plus it was sunny in Henley!

Sarah Reynolds

Bloomin cold! Really well organised but rather a lot of tarmac I thought for a trail. But lovely to feel slightly normal entering a race!

Becca Wilson

Dry and sunny, a 2-lap course of track and field. Hilly, with some long downhills for recovery.

Sharon Smith

Half Marathon:

  • Kevin Joynes-Creed – 01:57:21
  • Sharon Smith – 02:02:00 (1st Fv70)
  • Sarah Reynolds – 02:07:41 (3rd Fv40)
  • Becca Wilson – 02:36:35


  • Caroline Joynes-Creed – 01:09:02

Chilly 10k – 6th November

Based at the Castle Coombe race circuit, the Chilly 10k has become a favourite amongst RSE members seeking fast times. Runners have to complete 3.4 laps of the flat, smooth course, but are often left exposed to the elements, particularly the wind, hence its “chilly” name. Taking on the challenge (and running head to head) were club members Ollie Hazel and Dave Witnall, who finished only 3 seconds apart!

It’s not the most picturesque course but you can chase some fast times. It’s tough to get going as you’re counting down the laps – Ollie and I both agreed at the finish line that we were glad it was over! DB Max do make good medals though.

Dave Witnall
  • David Witnall – 40:27
  • Ollie Hazel – 40:30
The Chilly 10k finishers medal

Virtual Salisbury Plain Marathon – 6th November

Instead of it usual mud, trails and hills, Salisbury Plain Marathon encouraged runners to get involved virtually. As he was previously booked into the marathon and automatically entered into the virtual version, RSE’s Mark Manley “tagged on the extra” to a training run to fulfil the challenge. Although Mark described the virtual marathon as “less fun” and “hard for motivation”, he still finished in an excellent time of 3:46!