A friendly running club based in Cirencester!

RSE Club Report – Running for Ireland, in Scotland and getting back to Club!

St Patrick’s Day 10k!

Well done to Caroline Terry, who resisted temptation to spend St Patrick’s day drinking Guinness and instead ran a virtual 10k! Caroline’s virtual run took her from Cirencester, through Siddington and down Quiet Lane. She’ll be receiving a Leprechaun medal to celebrate her achievments – excellent work, Caroline!

Congratulations to any other RSE members who also completed the challenge but didn’t submit their results for the report. Great running by Team RSE!

The March Back to Club!

Our pledgees have been hard at work filling their targets! There’s only 1 week left, and Easter chocolate to celebrate with at the end – Keep going everyone, you’ve got this!

Getting Back to Running Somewhere Else

Your coaching team have been busy putting plans in place, with just over a week to go before the return to club on Monday 29th March.

Monday Running:

Our Monday evening runs will continue with almost the same format as before Christmas with 6 groups of 6 runners of a similar pace.

  • Group 1 – Sub 50min 10k pace
  • Groups 2 & 3 – 50-55min 10k pace
  • Group 4 – 55-60min 10k pace
  • Group 5 – 60-65min 10k pace
  • Group 6 – Return to Running Group
    • We have amended group 6 specifically for those who are returning to running following injury/illness or have just taken a break during lockdown and are unsure of where they’re at fitness wise.

Your Monday night sessions will be available to book on RunTogether from around 08.00am on Monday 22nd.

Wednesday Efforts:

Our Wednesday evening sessions will look quite different to December though…
Gone are the days of random locations and 30 min efforts sessions. We will be returning to meeting at 6.30 in The Old Station Car Park, running to a venue in town to complete your efforts before returning to the car park to stretch.

In addition to this, we are excited to reveal our 6 week Fitter, Faster, Stronger Plan designed to kick start your running again. You can see an outline of the plan in the image below – full details will follow over the next couple of days, along with booking information – watch this space!

Both our Monday and Wednesday sessions will still be limited in numbers and social distancing must still be maintained, but hopefully it will start to feel as though club is getting back to normal.
We can’t wait to see you all and get running again!

Get To Know the Club – Runner Profile

Becca Wilson

When did you start running and why?

Becca after completing the Loch Ness marathon!

To be honest, I started running for Health reasons after bouts of IBS. Running really helped alleviate the symptoms and was a great release after long days in the office. At the time I was living in London, working silly hours with a long tube commute, so running provided well needed “me” time. I lived close to Battersea Park, Hurlingham Park and discovered some brilliant routes close to where I lived. Ever since then, wherever I’ve lived I’ve always ran. Just love the “me” time and you always come back from a run feeling more positive – admittedly though, some runs are better than others!

When did you join RSE?

In 2016, I decided to move back to Gloucestershire after working in or around London for 20 odd years. I joined RSE but because I was away a lot of the time didn’t run with the club regularly. At the end of 2017/ start of 2018, I became a “regular”, running a few times a week with the club. The friendship, kindness, support, sense of fun the club provided made Ciren home for me.

What I love about RSE is it’s about running, coaching for people of all levels and abilities. The support and enthusiasm from TEAM RSE is second to none.

What motivates you to run?

I work long hours sitting at a desk, staring into a computer so running gets me out in the fresh air. It also allows me to think through the day, consider and resolve anything that’s been on my mind. Running is the best leveller ever and it’s free, healthy and energising. During Lockdown, running and cycling were a saviour. I never get tired of the Cotswold countryside. I love it around Withington, Chedworth and Yanworth – there are hidden gems for routes both cycling and running.

I love Strava stalking to discover new routes. Mind you, I am navigationally challenged – that’s coming from the daughter of a navigator!

Proudest Running Achievement?

My proudest running achievement was definitely Loch Ness. It was my second marathon in 2019. I adore Scotland and after completing my first marathon, I thought, I can do this. Certain people egged me on, namely Tosh!

I trained a lot with Fatima, who came up to support too. On one long training run we were running around the Duntisbourne but somehow got lost. It was getting dark and we ended up in “The Colesbourne”. Her boyfriend came to collect us, completely baffled how we had ended up there. Naturally we both had a Rioja, which is renowned for its post long run benefits!

Loch Ness is a stunning route, hilly and a smaller event. You start in the middle of nowhere and on a clear day, there are views to the Moray Firth. It was tough but getting over that line I couldn’t stop grinning. I’m doing it again this year for Tosh.

Favourite RSE moment (social/ race/ etc.)?

There are so many favourite RSE moments.

One of my favourite events is the Cotswold Way, competing in teams and getting out into the gorgeous countryside. I love the recces that we do; they’re great fun .

In lockdown, the coaches and their challenges were great fun. I was on furlough and I can’t tell you how these helped through those very strange times.

Saturday morning runs, where you discover new routes or revisit favourite ones. I really miss these, they just set you up for the weekend. Followed by brunch at Somewhere Else, comparing routes, times and a catch up – which sometimes goes on into the afternoon and a cheeky prosecco!

New Route Suggestion – Siddington to Preston

Where does that hole in the fence go?

If you are looking for an interesting, local route, take a look at the hole in the fence opposite South Cerney Road in Siddington. This interesting little path takes you past a heli-pad and through some woods. You’ll need to stick to the path, as either side is private property, but the route is quiet and picturesque. At the end of the path, (safely) cross the A419 opposite Dobbies, go straight across the field and take a left for a trail route that ends up in Preston!

RSE on Tour – Hope 24

Every year, RSE supports the Hope Trail Festival in Plympton, where proceeds go towards the Dartmoor Search & Rescue team. This fantastic event involves relay teams or solo runners completing laps of a 5 mile (hilly) course over a 24 hour period – from 12 noon Saturday to 12 noon Sunday. There’s also a mini run for kids, which covers 2.4km. Hope 24 have announced that they will be going ahead in July 2021, virtually and on site! For information on their roadmap for 2021, click here.

Since the event’s formation in 2014, RSE has entered some competitive… and some less serious runners! The goal is always to have fun, no matter what your motivation is.

The solo event is always a highlight, with previous club members Laura Butler and Jackie Day completing the challenge, and current club members, Caroline Terry, Gareth Roberts (2nd in the men’s solo event) and Richard “Ryo” Taylor reaching incredible mileage! When the event went virtual in 2020, Elaine Chapman, Gareth Roberts, Nadine Brown, Ellie Taylor and David Witnall also challenged themselves to run the miles around Cirencester!

Elaine and Ben Chapman have competed in the event, one way or another, every year since it’s beginning:

Hope 24 is one of the highlights of my running year. We just love it as a family, and when we arrive at the campsite, we get a feeling of home. There is just something about it – a warm, friendly, supportive atmosphere, everyone there is happy to be there. I’ll always remember our first Hope – rocking up in the dark and the rain with a 5 year old and a 2 year old, we must have been mad 😂. I had never run an event like this before, but we took to it quickly and soon loved it. Preparing for my first night run, I remember being a bit terrified, but also exhilarated. My first thought was that my mum would go mad if she knew what I was about to do.
It’s such a wonderful event, brings together all types of runners and there is something for everyone.

Elaine Chapman, Club Captain

It’s safe to say that RSE members who have run at Hope 24 always return with lots of anecdotes – who could forget the competitive 5 person men’s team, which finished with only 1 runner (Animal) and a hopping Dave Witnall… or Sallie Clatworthy breaking records for how many photos could be taken in a 5 mile run… or the RSE members who had a little too much to drink before a 24 hour running event!

If you would like to join the RSE team in 2021, contact Elaine Chapman for more information.

RSE Club Report – Inspirational Runners

PB’s and Team Challenges

5k PB

Caroline Joynes-Creed smashed her 5k PB this week after setting a personal challenge to herself at the start of the year. The target was a PB and possibly sub 30 minutes – Caroline’s finishing time was 29:48! 1 minute and 2 seconds quicker than her previous PB.

By my side all the way, as always, was my running inspiration, Kev. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have started running. The belief he has in me is amazing. He pushes me to do things I never would have thought about doing.

Caroline Joynes-Creed

Ultra X Co Dawn2Dusk

Reaching incredible targets was a theme this week, as Sarah Reynolds, Carol Sworn and Vicki Mason took on the Ultra X Co Dawn2Dusk event. The challenge was to see how many kms the team could run/ walk in 12 hours (6am to 6pm).

We each hoped to cover a marathon and each of us smashed that target! Vicki’s girls kept a tally of our miles and calculated that we totalled 159.09km!

Sarah Reynolds

Carol, Vicki and Sarah each covered over 50km in distance, a fantastic amount of running within 12 hours! Well done, team RSE!

Pledge Update

Club members have been hard at work completing pledges made as part of ‘The March Back to Club’!

All pledges on track – I did have to make a few extra trips up and down the stairs one evening to make sure I hit 10,000 steps though.

Cheri Edwards

Really helpful to have made the commitment to do this as I wouldn’t have done the efforts otherwise. Thanks for organising it!

Sarah Page

Keep up the hard work everyone! Only a few more weeks until we are back at club…

Get To Know the Club – Runner Profile

Ted and Kirsty Pitts

When did you start running and why?
Ted – I first started running to lose weight and in 1986 I joined the “Enemy” Ciren A.C. They had not long been formed and I had seen a bunch of old boys running around town, I thought I could beat them… not so!
Kirsty – I started running properly again in 2011 to get fit, lose weight and also do something for me.

When did you join RSE?
We both joined RSE at the same time in 2012.

What motivates you to run?
Kirsty – Ted is always encouraging and is very passionate about running, which really helps me. But also the people from the club have motivated me in so many ways. I would never have run the distances that I’ve run, or raced in the places I’ve raced, if it wasn’t for the amazing people from RSE. The coaches are incredible and always give encouragement no matter what you’re doing.
I especially love the Saturday morning chatty runs, the routes we  run along are stunning and running with your friends always make those miles slip away a lot quicker! Plus knowing that you’re going for breakfast in Somewhere Else is a massive motivation!
Ted – Motivation comes from being competitive. I want to run as fast as I can and finish as far up the field as possible. I still feel I can get faster, so for now I’ll keep going.

Proudest running achievement?
Ted – My proudest moment came on my first 10k on the track, Tommy Taylor’s Lane, Cheltenham, when I won the Glos. County 10k Championship under floodlights. I did most of the work that night and managed to just hang on.
Kirsty – Probably the London Marathon 2015 – loved every minute of it – the crowds, the music, the cheers, the excitement. The weather was perfect, everything just went to plan on the day. I just felt good all the way and finished with a massive smile on my face in 4hrs 15 mins.

Is this the big muddy puddle you meant, Ted?! 😆

Favourite RSE moment (social/ race etc)? 
Kirsty – There are so many to choose from… Christmas do’s, 10 year anniversary party, Summer BBQ’s, races here and abroad, the list goes on. One of my favourite moment’s was the RSE club trip to Budapest, such a beautiful city! There we had a choice of a Marathon, 18 mile, and a relay race. Most of us were running in the relay, in teams of 4. Fantastic team work and the support from everyone was incredible. And of course there was a little bit of alcohol too 🤪, it was so much fun!
Ted – I have lots of favourite moments with the club but the one that stands out the most was at cross country – the one with the BIG MUDDY puddle. I had the RSE women’s team cheering me on… “Run through the middle it’s easier,” they said… and I did. Was it easier? No, put my foot in hole went almost head over heels! I’m sure they knew that hole was there.😅

Extra question for Team Pitts – running together or running against each other? 😆
Ted – love running with Kirsty – she is just as competitive. I tend to run half a stride behind because if I get along side her she gets faster.
Kirsty – We do a bit of both really… In the old days Ted was always super fast, so I had absolutely no chance! But over the past few years we are now around the same speed so we do enjoy running together occasionally.
In 2019 though, our competitive streaks took over and we raced against each other in 10 races throughout the year, with the final of… Kirsty 6, Ted 4 😁 And I’ve got the T-shirt to prove it, thanks to RSE!

In Loving Memory

A year after much-loved RSE member, Rochelle “Tosh” Ravenscroft sadly passed away, we remember some of her fantastic achievements.

These include running Country to Capital Ultra Marathon, a 45 mile run finishing in Little Venice, and Brecon to Cardiff Ultra Marathon, a 70k ultra in the Brecon Beacons National Park. 45 miles was not enough, as Rochelle also completed the 24h Conti Thunder Run, running a staggering 13 laps of the 10k circuit, making a total distance covered of 130km or 80.778 miles!

Tosh was certainly inspirational, competing in many of the club’s championship races and coming first out of the RSE ladies at the Two Tunnels Half marathon! At the 2019 RSE awards ceremony, she won second place in the Endurance category and came third in the Overall Championship! Rochelle also won the Runner’s Runner award, voted for by RSE club members, and in 2020 it was renamed The Rochelle Ravenscroft Memorial Award in her memory.

Rochelle is sorely missed from club sessions, as a fellow club runner and a coach.

Inspiring RSE

We asked club members to send in suggestions of runners that inspire them – this could have been an athlete, someone they follow on social media or someone they know.

Iron Cowboy James – nominated by Sarah Reynolds, this incredible runner aims to complete 100 iron mans in 100 consecutive days. James Lawrence has broken several Guinness World Records and is repeatedly mocked for choosing goals that are so big! This includes his record breaking challenge to complete 50 long distance triathlons, in 50 consecutive days, through all 50 US States! If you are interested in learning more about the Iron Cowboy, check out his website.

Yuki Kawauchi – if you mention famous athletes to Dave Witnall, there’s no doubt who he will tell you about! Nicknamed the “Citizens runner”, Yuki completed a full time job while training for marathons in his spare time, without any sponsorship. Through his own perseverance, Yuki now has the Guinness World Record for running 100 marathons in under 2 hours and 20 minutes (76 of those by the age of 30!) He’s also known for having run marathons dressed in a suit and dressed as a panda! For a full list of reasons to love Yuki, check out this article from the Guardian.

Kevin Joynes-Creed’s Inspiration:

I am probably going to be greedy in that I would like to highlight three people who have massively inspired my running.
Back in 2012 I was overweight, did little to no physical activity and always said the only thing I would ever run would be a hot bath. That was until my brother-in-law, and fellow club member, Roger Woolford managed to get a place in the 2013 London Marathon. As I watched him get stuck into his training, I noticed how the effort was having a positive effect on him, both physically and mentally. He seemed more focused, more energetic and I could see him getting stronger week on week. As he went further into his training, I started to join him on his long runs on my bike which started having the same effect on me. By April of 2013 when Roger ran the Marathon, I had committed to running the Swindon Half Marathon with him in the October (I did it in front to an audience so there was no getting out of it). He spent the next 6 months sacrificing many of his own runs to run with me and encouraging me to keep going when all I wanted to do was stop. He even finished in last place at my first ever 10k as he wouldn’t leave me and made me cross the line in front of him.

My second inspiration is of course Caroline, who inspires me with both her belief in me and her own achievements. Watching her improve, get stronger and become more confident as a runner is far more rewarding than anything. Without her belief in me, I would probably have stopped running years ago.

For my last inspiration, I can pinpoint the exact moment this person had a profound effect on both me and my running and still continues to inspire me today…
It was the evening of Sunday 25th August 2019 at the Phoenix Festival in The Abbey Grounds. That had been a scorching hot day and I had run the Severn Bridge Half Marathon in the morning. The same day Rochelle Ravenscroft had completed the epic Ridgeway Challenge 86 mile ultra. Caroline and I were enjoying a relaxed evening and were shocked when on a return journey from the bar we saw Tosh walking towards us. Her first words to me were, “How was your half?” – it was typical of her to put other people’s efforts ahead of her own. After 10 mins or so discussing how hot it had been and that there was no way on earth I could ever imagine attempting an Ultra let alone doing something as daft as 86 miles, she stopped, looked me straight in the eye and, as a wry smile broke onto her face, said, “If I can do it, so can you.”
I’m not sure if she knew it would have the effect it did, but following a number of chats over the coming weeks she managed to give me the belief that perhaps I could run an Ultra. In December of 2019 I did just that, when I completed the Winter Cross Ultra, a race that means an awful lot to me as we ran the full 50k together.
This year I intend to repay her words “If I can do it, so can you” as I have entered The Ridgeway Challenge 86 and intend to run not only in her memory but in her footsteps…

Joining RSE/ Club Renewal

April 1st is renewal time for membership and also a great time to join a fantastic, friendly running club!

Click the button above to join or renew membership – you will need to complete a form and then will be prompted to make a bank transfer for the membership costs.

If you have any questions please email Tracey Pitts – membershipsecretary@runningsomewhereelse.com

RSE Club Report – Miles and Miles

Running All the Miles

Well done to Gareth Roberts who has spent the weekend completing a 48 hour running challenge, cheered on by some of our RSE members. Taking to routes around Latton and Cricklade, Gareth’s 48 hour feat will end at midnight tonight, in which he plans to have completed 48 miles! Fantastic running by one of our ultra-veterans!

Social Quiz Night

Club members tested their knowledge at a Zoom quiz hosted by Kevin and Caroline Joynes-Creed. 3 teams competed in knowledge challenges based on rounds of Question of Sport and House of Cards – members were asked to name famous runners, guess who from blurred images of RSE club members, and guess the sentence when only the 1st letter was shown. Well done to team 2, who won by only 1 point!

March Pledges

Following the news from England Athletics that we can commence club activities again from 29th March, this week we launched ‘The March Back to Club’, made up of a series of pledges for members to commit to throughout the four weeks of March.

The pledges vary from committing to a number of walks/runs per week, to completing a set distance to achieve it – the NHS recommended 10,000 steps per day.

Below is a breakdown of the pledges made by our members:

In addition to the pledges above, we also have a number of members who have made pledges but want to keep them under the radar.

Over the next few weeks we’ll update on each member’s progress, so watch this space…

RSE March History – Gloucester 20!

Gloucester 20, 2018!

Our club championship may be on pause, but the achievements our club members have attained during the club races are not forgotten! For the past few years, March has been a chance for members to compete in the longest race in the championship, Gloucester 20! This race is perfect for those training for Spring marathons, and has also been a chance for some members to do back-to-back 20 mile races alongside Fission 20 (Kevin Joynes-Creed and David Whitlow!).

Gloucester 20, 2020!

The 2020 wet and windy event saw current members David Witnall, Istvan Vegh and Liz Farooq achieving PBs, some members completing their first ever 20-miler, and Sharon Smith setting the all time fastest time in the V70 female category for 20 miles in the UK Rankings!

There’s something about the Gloucester 20… club race, club support, club atmosphere. Great scenic 3-loop race, nice little hill in each, perfect for pacing and knowing what you need to do, good mindset run – works for me every time!

Emma Thomas, who has completed the race 2 times, from 2018-2019.

New Route Suggestions

Libby Butler has been hard at work creating some fantastic trail routes around the Woodmancote/ Colesbourne/ Cirencester area. Here’s a selection of some of the routes:

Woodmancote – Old Park – Hackpenny Wood – edge of Eycot Wood – Colesbourne – towards Elkstone – road past edge of Combend, Bromsley Wood and Shewel Wood – Woodmancote

9m Colesbourne Trail – https://strava.app.link/IQYvVWHfreb

Woodmancote – Rendcombe – White Way – North Cerney – Woodmancote

North Cerney, Rendcomb Loop – https://strava.app.link/7rzJohLfreb

Woodmancote – towards North Cerney, turning right before Scrubditch Care Farm – Cutham Lane – Welsh Way – Over A417 – Dower’s Lane – Daglingworth – Duntisbourne – Welsh Way – Woodmancote

Daglingworth 8 miler – https://strava.app.link/u3dmsFYfreb

The full set of routes Libby has created range from 5 miles to marathon distance. If you are a friend of Libby’s on Strava, you can access the routes via her profile, where Strava gives GPS directional guidance (similar to a Sat Nav!). Make sure you check the elevation before setting off, some of the routes are hilly!