A friendly running club based in Cirencester!

RSE Club Report – Racing through April

Castle Coombe Chilly 10k

The 10k race in Castle Coombe has been a firm favourite of RSE club members, despite being notoriously “Chilly”. The day did not disappoint, with moments of sun and snow to keep the racers on their toes. This 3 lap race follows Castle Coombe race track, meaning it is flat and fast!

Zoe and Linda

It was a speedy day for the club:

  • Mark Garrett – 42.14
  • Rosie Oates – 43:03
  • Sharon Smith – 47:38 – 1st FV70!
  • Zoe Markham-Lee – 55:55 – New 10k PB! And second race in 2 weeks!!
  • Linda Edwards – 56:26

God, it felt good to be back racing!

Rosie Oates

There are 3 laps with runners joining all the time, so it was unlike a competitive race. I enjoyed it though, as no mud, hills or potholes!

Sharon Smith

Rutland Spring Half Marathon

After being postponed from 2020, the Rutland Spring Half marathon took place, much to the surprise of Felicity Crotty, who only realised it was going ahead 2 weeks before the race! The course starts and finishes at Barnsdale Wood and is marketed as ‘undulating’, taking in woodland and lake views.

It was very cold (although we missed the snow and hail that happened after the finish)!

Felicity Crotty

Felicity finished in a fantastic time of 2:29:34!

Felicity and Darren, who also ran and finished in 01:52:52

Marathon Man

Phil Scoble has not let the postponement of the Manchester Marathon deter him (planned to be his first marathon in 2020) – with an excellent training plan under his belt, Phil completed his second marathon this weekend!

I just wanted to train for something and set myself a target of doing a marathon this weekend! It was fine: weather held off and no ill effects afterwards, so very happy!

Phil Scoble

Phil complete the 26.2 mile run in 4:31:27 – excellent running and such a hard challenge. Well done, Phil!

Get to Know the Club – Runner Profile!

Zan Futter

Zan and baby Thomas

When did you start running and why?

I began in my late 20s to beat my sister! She had persuaded me to run with her (she’s pretty fast) however, I gave up after about 10mins. From that point I vowed to get better and beat her in a race one day…. I’m still trying🤣

When did you join RSE?

June 2018 when I moved to Cirencester from Epsom.

What motivates you to run?

Ooh my motivations are forever changing. Currently it’s trying to get back to somewhere close to my pre-pregnancy pace and distance! However, I couldn’t get out of the door if I didn’t actually love running.

Proudest running achievement?

The Thames Meander Marathon in 2018. It wasn’t on my radar but after the London Marathon hadn’t gone to plan I decided to run it 6 months later to get it out my system, luckily it went to plan. I also love any race that I do with my sister.

Favourite RSE moment (social/ race etc)?

I’ve been a bit slack with attending races so I would have to say the first Christmas Party I went to. I was new to Cirencester so got to know many of the club members and made some good friends.

Joining RSE/ Club Renewal

April is renewal time for membership and also a great time to join a fantastic, friendly running club!

Click the button above to join or renew membership – you will need to complete a form and then will be prompted to make a bank transfer for the membership costs.

If you have any questions please email Tracey Pitts – membershipsecretary@runningsomewhereelse.com

RSE Club Report – We’re back!

A Non-Virtual Race!

Congratulations to Zoe Markham-Lee, who completed DB Max’s Escape Lock Down race – the first non-virtual race completed by a club member in 2021!

Held at Manor Farm in Upton Cheyney, near Bristol, the trail race boasts views across Bristol and the Severn Estuary, and incorporates natural obstacles to challenge runners. The race sets wave groups of 6 off in intervals, to comply with Covid safety rules, over an approx. 6.5 mile course.

[We were] basically zigzagging up and down hills. [There were] also a few obstacles. Got a beer at the end though!

Zoe Markham-Lee

Zoe completed the race in 1.31.21 – fantastic running, Zoe!

Club is Back in Action!

Monday 29th March saw the first club session of 2021 take place, with groups of six socially distanced runners following different set routes around Cirencester. Popular demand for the running groups even meant an additional session was added! The sun shone and runners were in high spirits, to finally have a catch up and motivate each other to run.

Wednesday also saw the return of group effort sessions, in a different format, but as fun/ tough as ever. The Faster, Fitter, Stronger plans allow runners to chose efforts dependent on their end goals. Although the group leaders joked over who had the toughest session, each plan is designed for runners to track their progress, and run with others who have similar goals.

Thank you coaching team for an excellent first week – it’s great to be back at club after a very long winter!

Joining RSE/ Club Renewal

April 1st is renewal time for membership and also a great time to join a fantastic, friendly running club!

Click the button above to join or renew membership – you will need to complete a form and then will be prompted to make a bank transfer for the membership costs.

If you have any questions please email Tracey Pitts – membershipsecretary@runningsomewhereelse.com

RSE Club Report – Marching to Club!

Virtual Racing – for Birthdays’, Guinness and for the Love of Running!

Congratulations to the incredible Kate Potter for completing the virtual Forest of Dean half marathon! Kate completes the Spring and Autumn trail half marathon in the Forest of Dean every year, but for the last 2 years the race has gone virtual. Using a combination of 3 runs a week, including effort sessions, and core strength classes, Kate has been dedicated in her commitment to training.

Kate was met with support at the end of the run from her husband, sister, daughter, grandchildren and RSE running buddies, who were all socially distanced along the finish stretch!

Pauline Tilbury also completed a birthday half marathon this week, alongside running partner Tracey Pitts!

As it’s my 2nd lockdown birthday and we still can’t see friends to socialise, I decided to give myself the gift of 13.1 miles!

Pauline Tilbury

Pauline and Tracey completed their half in 2:23, and were rewarded with chocolate medals at the end! A massive congratulations to both of you, and a very Happy Birthday to Pauline!

Elliot Gardiner is no stranger to virtual races, this month completing the St Patrick’s day 10k dash! Finishing in a time a time of 56:49, Elliot’s run took him up the middle of Cirencester Park, round Big Bertha and down Ewe Pens – those who know the Cirencester Summer Sizzler know this is a tough route! Although Elliot wasn’t too happy with his time, he was rewarded with a well deserved Guinness at the end. Excellent running, Elliot!

Pledge Update – Marching Back to Club

A massive congratulations to all of the RSE members who took part in the March Back to Club pledge challenge! It’s not easy committing to a certain amount of exercise and sticking to a strict plan, especially when it’s featured in a club report each week! Well done to everyone who took part and thank you to the club coaches for organising.

Congratulations also to those who set themselves secret challenges or pledges this month!

Returning to Fitness after COVID

2020 has been a tough year for many and the COVID out break has affected people’s lives across the world – from not seeing family, to losing jobs and to those that have fallen ill with the virus.

Club member Tim Wainwright has spoken out about his experience with COVID, after contracting the disease 6 weeks ago.

I had a slight cough on the Friday night and hot and cold sweats. By 11am the next day, I was getting worse, so my partner booked a test. I already knew what the result would be, and the next day it came through positive.

Tim explained that he was very sick for the next 19 days, and during this time his family experienced some tragedies, including from COVID. He was told by paramedics that it affected people so differently and he had it bad.

I found it hard to eat, swallow or walk – but the NHS COVID team encouraged me to walk so that I could get air into my lungs. At that point, I could barely walk 3 steps.

Weeks later, I’ve been getting better with each day, and this past week I’ve managed to get out for a run/ walk a couple of times. When I first started, my lungs hurt, but I’m learning to control my breathing. I’m really glad and grateful to have come out the other side. I know training is going to be harder this time round and longer to get back to fitness but for now I’m just happy to be back running and doing the thing I love.

I want to thank my partner, Sara, who never gave up on me, even though I felt like I could give up. Also, to my friends and family, for their love and kind messages, which, when I was low, gave me such a massive lift.

We are so glad to hear that you are getting better Tim, and that you’ve been out for some runs. We look forward to seeing you back with the club soon!

Our best wishes go to all club members who have been affected by COVID-19.

Get to Know the Club – Runner Profile

Andy Masser

When did you start running and why?

I needed a new challenge – I’d spent the best part of 2 years at the gym slowly losing weight and I wanted to see physically if I was capable of running on the road. This was slightly more complicated because having suffered a stroke back in 2005, it’s fair to say that the right side of my body finds it more comfortable sitting on the sofa than running. So on Boxing Day morning 2014, I ran a very slow Cranhams Lane, Chesterton Lane circuit and on that day the challenge began between me, running and the sofa.

Why did you join RSE?

I was happy doing my own thing running a couple of times a week. This was until a work colleague convinced me to run a race – the Devizes half -and the minute I got over the finish line in 2016, my whole attitude to running changed. A few months later, a club member (Sarah Gray) suggested I joined RSE, and it’s fair to say that since joining RSE it has been a constant source of encouragement, whether training, running in local races or even halfway round Snowdon – someone always recognises the club vest!

What motivates you to run?

Because I can. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy running, especially in the early morning around the farmland where I used to work 30 or 40 years ago. I love racing as long as I know I’ve done my best, and for that I’m eternally grateful.

Proudest running achievement?

There’s been a few, but emotionally my first marathon, the Manchester Marathon 2017, because it had been a 12 year journey to that point and it meant a lot to me.
It was at this point that I also realised just how good looking I looked in a plastic bag!

Favourite RSE moment?

Race days are always good and probably the 2017 Amsterdam marathon sticks in my memory. It was a great day all round, from the moment my two mates, Mike and Rich, got stuck in the lift at the train station for half an hour before the race. Then seeing all the club members at the Stadium and one or two popping up around the course. Followed by seeing the RSE marathon runners at the stadium at the finish and then relaxing in the stands in the warm autumn sun, waiting for the half marathon runners to finish. It’s fair to say race days don’t get better much better than that!

Joining RSE/ Club Renewal

April 1st is renewal time for membership and also a great time to join a fantastic, friendly running club!

Click the button above to join or renew membership – you will need to complete a form and then will be prompted to make a bank transfer for the membership costs.

If you have any questions please email Tracey Pitts – membershipsecretary@runningsomewhereelse.com

It is less than 24 hours until RSE club sessions are back in action!

Book in for sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays via the RunTogether app!

Running Fitter, Faster, Stronger

A new 6 week structure to your effort sessions

Your coaching team are excited to launch our ‘Fitter, Faster, Stronger’ 6 week program.

Starting on Wednesday March 31st you will have the opportunity to join one of three running groups for the 6 week period, each with a slightly different focus.

Are you returning to running following injury or have you had some time off over lockdown and want help to get your mojo back?

Sessions for this group will be coached by Carol and Paul and have been designed to challenge your aerobic fitness aiming to make your 5k more comfortable (and hopefully a bit quicker) with a focus on fun without putting you under any pressure.

Have you spent lockdown plodding and do you yearn for the adrenaline rush of a fast paced run and some healthy competition?

The running faster group will be coached by Dave and Ollie who will be there to help give your pace a kick start with a return to racing on the horizon. Sessions within this group will be targeted at improving your 5k pace and developing your speed endurance.

Do you want to run a bit further, wish your 10k felt a bit easier or have you had to cut back on your running and now want to build your distances back up?

In this group Nadine and Gareth have planned sessions which will have a focus on endurance to help you go further by developing your aerobic capacity and strength. This group would fit perfectly for those runners who have been running regularly and maintained a good level of fitness but lack the desire or the need for speed.

Although the sturcture may be a little different we would like to assure you all the things that make training with RSE so special will still be there…

Ideally you will choose your group and book into every session across the 6 week period. You can, of course, pick and choose; however you won’t get the benefits of a co-ordinated program with a dedicated focus…

Sessions will start from The Old Station Car Park in Cirencester where you will be met by your coach/coaches who will then take you on a warm up run to their chosen venue. They will take you through your efforts before returning to The Old Station Car Park to complete your post run stretches.

In order to comply with Covid-19 guidelines sessions will be limited to 12 runners per group.

As always please make sure you book your place via RunTogether (bookings open after 08.00 Wednesday 24th March)

If you have any questions feel free to contact me otherwise we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Wednesday 31st March…

Kevin 🙂