A friendly running club based in Cirencester!

Ultra fun in the sun!

Race Report – 30/03/2025

It was another sunny weekend to enjoy some racing – well done to everyone who ran!

Bath 50k Ultra

  • Ben Mutlow: 06:34:56

“Fantastic run with work colleagues running for the National Foundation for Retired Service Animals (NFRSA), great organised event in the sunshine!”

Gloucester Half Marathon

  • Phil Hudson: 1:35:28
  • Paul Beaumont: 01:52:05

“Great event, smashed my PB by 7 seconds, good consistent pace on a flat course round the city centre and through country lanes. Nice to see Paul Beaumont from RSE” – Phil

“Very nice day. Good course – made me think I ought to visit Gloucester more often. Also good support and marshalling. Found the last 3 miles pretty hard going – but I did it! So that’s okay. Nice to see Phil H at the end – although I’m not sure I was very coherent!” – Paul



  • Felicity CROTTY: 30:22


  • Jo WOOD: 25:09
  • Vicki MASON: 26:37


  •  Jon CAMPBELL: 21:18
  • Phil NEWMAN: 22:53
  • Paul BILLINGHURST: 22:54
  • Ben CHAPMAN: 23:09
  • Daniel DRAYTON: 23:22
  • Claire SHARP: 24:31
  • Robert BAKER: 25:12
  • William COBBETT: 25:16
  • Paul ROBERTSON: 28:42
  • Samantha WARD: 29:15
  • Kirsty PITTS: 30:06
  • Elaine CHAPMAN: 30:07
  • Sara JUGGINS: 31:29
  • Martin PITTS: 31:38
  • Charley TRYKUSH: 46:45


  • Steve SANDERCOCK: 24:50

“Hanworth park parkrun near Feltham, SW London is a 2 lap flat course on grass and hard surface. It was a lovely run in bright sunshine, and gave me a decent time of 24m50” – Steve

King George V Playing Field

  • Cheri EDWARDS: 25:45

Plymouth Central

  • Darren JENNER: 25:07

Save the date!

2025 Beginners’ Course

Monday 14th April marks the start of the next cohort of RSE Beginners, an 8-week programme aimed at introducing new or returning runners to structured training, with the aim of completing a 5k / Parkrun at the end. Share the poster below with your friends and spread the word!


Royal running, great PBs at Berkeley Fission 20, running for cake at Highworth

There was some impressive running this weekend. Well done!

Berkeley Fission 20

As well as the opportunity for a PB on a fast flat 20 mile course, this event is great for spring marathon prep. This was an RSE Club Championship race in the Endurance Expert category. There is also a half marathon option.













20 mile race

  • Nia Glover 2.28.18
  • Phil Hudson 2.37.54
  • Al Powderhill 2.53.41 (PB by 13 minutes!)
  • Darren Jenner 2.55.47 (PB by 2 seconds)
  • Elliot Gardiner 2.57.48
  • Sarah Page 3.07.10
  • Zoe Markham-Lee 3.08.33  (PB by 12 minutes!)
  • Gemma Wright 3.22
  • Felicity Crotty 3.31.51 (PB by 20 minutes!)

Half Marathon

  • Paul Robertson 1.45.17
  • Dan Drayton 1.47.13

Phil H: Great event and good preparation for Newport. Conditions were perfect and great turnout from Team RSE. Really pleased with very consistent KM splits and exactly to plan.

Al :The aim was sub 3 today to give me confidence for the up coming marathon. Didn’t expect a 13 minute PB though. A brilliant day for RSE with some great PBs all over. 

Elliot:New 20 mile PB 🤩 (with an injury & not enough sleep!) 😅 Somehow managed to dig in and ignore the knee pain to get the sub 3 I wanted! 💪🏼 Good confidence booster that the sub 4 at Newport marathon is still on!🤞🏻

Sarah P: Good running weather, flat route round country roads and through villages. Ran with Zoe and Gemma for part of the race and grateful for their company as route pretty quiet. Happy with my time, last two miles managed to pick up the pace to finish strong.

Zoe: Quite a flat course and we luckily missed the rain. Lots of PB’s today. Now I need a bath with salts in. And a cheeky glass of red. For medicinal purposes…

Gemma: The race was great for the first half whilst I was running with Sarah and Zoe. The second half of the race was not my finest but I am very pleased that I got to the end, and happy for my fellow runners accomplishments. 

Felicity: If you’re training for a marathon the fission 20 race is a good one to do to help with your training! I was much less worried about the cut off this year and thought I should be able to improve on last years time. However I don’t think anyone expected me to get over a 20 minute PB!! Tired now!

Paul Robertson: It was nice to drop into the half marathon field today instead of the 20. Dropping to the half meant I had the privilege of witnessing our amazing team mates smash the field with their times! What a buzz, there’s nothing better than watching them all finish a gruelling run with PB’s and Smiles! Watching your friends compete these things is just an awesome feeling. Was already proud to be a member of this club but things like this just prove to me why I love it so much! 


Hampton Court Half Marathon

The ONLY Half Marathon to Start and Finish at a Historic Royal Palace!The Hampton Court Half Marathon follows a fast, flat and visually interesting course that borders the river-side grounds of the magnificent Hampton Court Palace

Linda Edwards represented RSE and ran the race as part of her marathon training programme….along with Henry VIII, it seems.

Highworth 5 Mile Race

  • Mark Garrett 33.40

Mark:The lemon drizzle cup cakes were delicious.



  • Linda Edwards 34.17


  • Anne-Marie Davies 29.08


  • Jon Campbell 21.48
  • Phil Newman 23.32
  • Claire Sharp 24.17
  • Billie Cobbett 25.45
  • Jon Collins 26.06
  • Steve Sandercock 26.08
  • Phil Hudson 26.27
  • Andy Sworn 26.54
  • Jade Beaumont 27.14
  • Paul Robertson 32.29

Stratford Upon Avon

  • Liz Hulcup 26.43


Save the Date

July 5th – Cotswold Way Relay.  Elaine is organising teams and can provide more information, or you can join the group on the WhatsApp community.

August 10th – Hart 4 Relay. See https://hart4.co.uk/ If you are interested in being part of an RSE team, join the Hart 4 group on the WhatsApp community

HOKA raffle – your chance to win a £130.00 HOKA voucher and contribute to this year’s club charity. Details are on RSE Info WhatsApp.

Happy running!

Anne 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

Running the Bath

Well done to everyone who did the Bath Half Marathon. There were some great performances, including PBs.



Bath Half Marathon

Alan POWDERHILL                01:49:54

Tom BURDETT                        01:52:43

Paul ROBERTSON                  01:52:44

Linda EDWARDS                    02:07:58

Rebecca WILSON                   02:16:58

Janet DANIELS                       02:16:58

Anne-Marie Davies                 02:27:25

Cathy Steer                              02:27:55

“A really enjoyable this half marathon. The hill profile looked ok on paper but there were quite a few hills with longish drags. The finish was cruel with a very steep lengthy hill. A well supported race.”

Linda Edwards


“My first half marathon. Absolutely loved it apart from the last killer hill. Great atmosphere and crowd support”

Anne-Marie Davies


“A fantastic race on a beautiful crisp morning around the outskirts of Bath. Great support with lively music and entertaining placards. I’d not managed to train for the race, so was going to give it a miss, but the enthusiasm of others persuaded me to give it a go, and “Jeff” as needed! So glad I did, as it was a fun day in Bath with great company.”

Cathy Steer


“My first time taking on the bath half and my first event running for RSE!
My training plan for London said to do 12 miles today, but I thought an event would be more fun.
I was just planning to get around, but Alan and Paul took on the challenge to push me into PB territory. I’m pleased to report that they managed to shave a few minutes off my previous PB (from Cheltenham)!!
The race felt comfortable, only really gassing out and really pushing hard on that final hill up to the finish line. 🤢
A great run with great crowds and company. Roll on the Fission 20 next week!”

Tom Burdett


“Set out for just a course PB today as it’s my 5th time doing Bath and had a realistic time goal. Ended up pushing for a sub1:50 as I felt fresh at the end.
Great event and to run with Robbo and Tom today. Well done to all the RSE runners some great times achieved.”

Alan Powderhill


“Who on earth puts hills right at the end of a race? That was a shock to the system! Brilliant crowd support, Bath supporters didn’t disappoint. Some awesome times by RSE out there. A massive shout out to Tom Burdett on the PB. Overall a very enjoyable event.”

Paul Robertson



Park Runs

Gloucester North

Cheri EDWARDS                                00:31:57



Mark GARRETT                                  00:21:17

Jon CAMPBELL                                  00:21:47

Phil HUDSON                                      00:22:18

Paul BILLINGHURST                         00:23:51

Claire SHARP                                       00:24:19

Anne GARDINER                               00:24:47

William COBBETT                              00:25:39

Alison BOOTH                                    00:26:31

Sue NAVIN                                          00:26:54

Jade BEAUMONT                              00:27:20

Maria YATES                                       00:30:14

Samantha WARD                               00:30:32

Rachel WEAVER                                 00:33:09

Nadine BROWN                                   00:37:14


Greendale Farm Shop

Darren JENNER                                 00:26:09

Felicity CROTTY                                 00:36:19



Liz HULCUP                                         00:32:13

Rest Week?


It seems that nobody raced this week, so we’ll have to make do with Park Runs for this report. Fortunately, there was good representation from RSE and some great times.



Park Runs


Andy SWORN                    00:29:10

Carol SWORN                     00:29:11


Pomphrey Hill

Vicki MASON                     00:29:10



Fran PENNY                        00:26:00



James BALL                         00:19:57

Jon CAMPBELL                  00:21:56

Wayne HEWITT                 00:22:00

Phil HUDSON                     00:22:13

Paul BILLINGHURST         00:23:51

Daniel DRAYTON              00:24:48

Claire SHARP                      00:24:54

Steve SANDERCOCK       00:25:39

William COBBETT              00:26:42

Alison BOOTH                    00:26:54

Samantha WARD              00:30:57

Sylvia WARMAN               00:35:40


Tetbury Goods Sheds

Kirsty PITTS                         00:28:09

Martin PITTS                      00:30:32


Darren JENNER                 00:26:05

Felicity CROTTY                 00:38:01