Your Coaches Challenge this week has been set by Dave Witnall.
For this week’s challenge we are going to play Bingo!
Get your blotching pens out and lace up your trainers. The rules are simple, you can complete any of the squares on the Bingo card but try and complete a full row, coloumn or diagonal before the week is up.
Your Wednesday efforts session is highlighted in green for whichever line you choose to complete. Please allow yourself a 10 min warm up and cool down & don’t forget to stretch…
Multiple sessions can also be incorporated into your run, for example you could chose to do a 10k run, by water (photo proof req.) and then complete your 30min workout post run exercise.
Attached is a sheet to help with the exercises to demonstrate good posture/form or altenativley use a YouTube demonstartion if you are unsure.
Good luck everyone and remember to apply the necessary gov. guidelines while out running and stay safe…