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Charity Coffee Morning

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  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Hello runners!
    <p class=”MsoPlainText”>I am heading to Tanzania on the 26th Oct with the charity Farm Africa for a week with a group on a challenge to build 70 beehives in two days and then distribute them to the local beekeeping associations. It is part of a much wider project being run by Farm Africa in the region that helps farmers to develop alternative livelihoods and slow deforestation.</p>
    <p class=”MsoPlainText”>As well as the challenge itself the bigger objective is to raise awareness of Farm Africa’s work in east Africa and raise £50,000 over the next 12 months to further support them. I hate asking for money so to avoid doing that I am hosting a charity coffee morning instead so that in exchange for your pennies you will get coffee and cake! It is on Saturday 29th November at Miserden Village Hall and I would absolutely LOVE it if you could all make it! Please bring anyone and everyone you know too! The full details are on the flier and I am getting some fliers printed so if anyone can put them up at work, the pub anywhere please let me know and I’ll send you some!</p>
    <p class=”MsoPlainText”>Thanks and hopefully see you all soon, I am hoping to be back running this side of Christmas if all the rehab goes to plan!</p>


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