A friendly running club based in Cirencester!

Race Report 8/9/24

Race Results

Great North Run
The AJ Bell Great North Run is the world’s biggest half marathon, with 60,000 runners taking on the 13.1-mile route from Newcastle to South Shields.

  • Wayne Hewitt
  • Elliot Gardiner 02.04.02
  • Linda Edwards 02.16.37

“Deferred from last year after getting into the ballot first time, so there was even more anticipation to do “The biggest half marathon in the world!” It definitely lived up to its name as the friendliest one! Tons of support and the most deafening crowd cheering at the finish line! 😆
On the downside I’d had zero training for 4 weeks due to Achilles tendinitis 🤕 and the pain kicked in at mile 3. I never intended to race this one due to its size, so it was a good excuse to slow down and enjoy it by having to deal with the pain! 😬
It’s definitely a half marathon I would recommend, awesome medal and would like to do it again, fully fit next time! Oggy Oggy Oggy!!” – Elliot Gardiner



Cranham Boundary Chase (RSE Championship Race and Glos AAA Road Series)

This race takes place in conjunction with the Cranham Feast, which includes a cricket match, BBQ, teas and deer roast. The road route is 9k (5.6 miles) and has it’s hilly challenges with a climb at the beginning and end of the race.

  • Jon Last 38.02 (3rd MV50)
  • Mark Garrett 42.21 (1st MV55)
  • Jen Glass 45.50 (1st LV55)
  • Steve Sandercock 47.05 (2nd MV65)
  • Alan Powderhill 47.08
  • Darren Jenner 48.46
  • Anne Gardiner 49.54
  • Elaine Chapman 51.42 (3rd LV40)
  • Zoe Markham-Lee 54.14
  • Sue Navin 55.30 (1st FV70)
  • Linda Edwards 58.22
  • Felicity Crotty 59.08

“The course was brutal and I wasn’t feeling prepared for such a hilly race, but it was a lovely event. I stayed, with the family, for the Deer Roast later on – a deer had been roasting over an open fire all day and was carved up and given out to everyone in bread rolls. For centuries, the main land owner of Cranham gave the workers a day off and roasted a deer for them and it was nice (and delicious) to join in that continuing tradition.” – Mark Garrett


“Definitely one to remember (and maybe avoid in future). If you forget the hideous hills at the start and the finish, there’s quite a nice downhill 4K section in the middle. Overall my aim was to not come last and to finish in under the hour!! Official time 59:08 & 78/100! Yay! No medal 😔 although we all deserved one!! “- Felicity
“A tough course, lots of up hills and rolling down hill sections with very few flat sections for a bit of recovery! The final hill was an absolute beast and had 2 be walked. Nice slice of apple cake after the finish and washed down with a cup of tea and a pint!” – Darren

“Great event, relaxed atmosphere to juxtapose the horrendously tough course. Knowing the final climb my strategy was to try and ‘recover’ somewhere. 38:02 2nd MV50. Fab results for all of the RSE team today.” – Jon Last.

“I found it a tough race, there were some very steep hills and I did quite a lot of walking. But it was lovely to be a part of the Cranham Feast and to have lots of other things going on all around.” – Sue Navin

Run Upcote

This 5 mile hilly trail race is held on the farmland where the 2000 Trees Festival takes place, earlier in the summer. The route includes beautiful views and has some steep climbs and descents.

  • Alan Powderhill 47.28
  • Jo Beames
  • Cheri Edwards

Parkrun Results


  • Phil Hudson – 20.43 (new PB!)


  • Sam Ward 51.09


  • Dan Drayton 23.25
  • Phil Newman 25.55
  • Liz Hulcup 27.52
  • Maria Yates 30.03
  • Anne-marie Davies 30.16
  • Paul Robertson 34.28

Severn Bridge

  • Vicki Mason 26.14

Save the date!

22nd Sept – Chedworth Roman Trail (RSE Championship race)
19th Sept (tbc) – Quiz n chips (social)
13th Oct – Langley Burrell Lightning 10k (RSE Championship race)
Nov (tbc) – End of season social
3rd Nov – Guy Fawkes 5 (RSE Championship race)
24th Nov – AVR Wiltshire half marathon (RSE Championship race)
Thanks for reading! If you are racing next week, don’t forget to submit the race report form for your result to be included: https://www.runningsomewhereelse.com/race-report-form/