Blaisdon 10k
This out and back course can only be described as beautiful. Held in Long Hope near the Forest of Dean, the route begins at the Red Hart and follows the undulating road, taking in the picturesque countryside. This was the next race in RSE’s championship, meaning several club members took on the run in the hot summer’s heat!
- David Witnall – 40:35
- Mark Garrett – 42:29
- Nia Glover – 43:43
- Rosie Hartland – 47:01
- Phil Southworth – 47:22
- Sharon Smith – 49:04
- Paul Beaumont – 49:29
- Elaine Chapman – 49:44
- Cheri Edwards – 51:57
- Sarah Page – 54:28
- Kirsty Pitts – 55:34
- Liz Farooq – 59:42
Well done to the RSE ladies, who secured 3rd place overall! Congrats to Nia, Rosie, Sharon and Elaine!
Great atmosphere finishing at the pub and a scenic undulating route!
Sharon Smith
Happy Birthday to Paul, who ran on his birthday!

Westport parkrun
- Fran Penny – 24:54
Worthing parkrun
- Darren Jenner – 25:14
- Felicity Crotty – 30:23
Cirencester parkrun
- Mick Bagot – 23:13 – new parkrun PB!
- Campbell McIlroy – 23:27 – new parkrun PB!
- Ben Chapman – 24:07
- Ellie Taylor – 24:15 – 2nd lady overall!
- Kevin Joynes-Creed – 25:10
- Steve Sandercock – 25:37
- Jessica James – 26:26 – new parkrun PB!
- Caroline Joynes-Creed – 29:37 – new parkrun PB!
- Taryn Hancock – 30:14
Teignmouth Promenade parkrun
- Richard Edwards – 30:02
Chippenham Playing Fields parkrun, Monmouth
- Phil Southworth – 24:06
Parkrun result not mentioned? It may be that you’re not listed as Running Somewhere Else in the parkrun results online. For information on how to change/add RSE as your listed club, click here.
Sports Day
This week saw RSE’s first ever sports day! Rather than the usual effort session, the club tackled space hoppers and foam javelins, and tested their balance skills with the egg and spoon. A massive thank you to Nadine Brown, Ollie Hazel and Carol Sworn for organising the events, keeping score and managing the competitive-ness of the RSE members. We loved it!
Well done to the Red team who won the evening!
And thank you to those that took all these embarrassing photos…