St George’s Day 10k
Well done to Pauline Tilbury and Elliot Gardiner, who both completed the virtual St George’s Day 10k! (Where do you hear about all these interesting themed virtual races?!).
Picking a gorgeous, sunny day for the run has its ups and downs, but it’s all worth it for the medal! (and was unavoidable in the last week!) Running out along Quiet Lane and through Siddington, Pauline credits the Running Faster group for her speedy time (even if there were a couple of stops – it was hot after all!). Pauline finished in a fantastic time of 57:45!
Running a loop (nearly) from Chesterton, through Ciren Park and up Gloucester road, Elliot’s route took him up quite a few hills. Citing an improvement from his 10k last month, Elliot finished in a brilliant time of 54:01! No doubt there was a celebratory pint (or 3) after the race!

Wednesday Efforts Sessions for May and June
We hope you have all been enjoying your Fitter, Faster, Stronger efforts sessions over the past few weeks.
As this program draws to a close the coaches have been busy planning what the next couple of months will look like. Unfortunately, due to ongoing Covid restrictions continuing to restrict numbers at sessions to a maximum of 12, the current structure is unsustainable for the long term as this requires a large number of coaches to be present every week.
We will therefore be returning to the 30min effort session structure we had in place last year.
Every Wednesday we will have two coaches on duty each delivering two 30min efforts sessions with the first session starting at 18.30 with the second session starting at 19.05. The coaches and locations for May and June are on the table below and the sessions will be available to book on RunTogether from 08.00 Monday 26th April.
We will of course be keeping a very close eye on the situation and should changes in restrictions allow we will revise our structure accordingly…

A Message from the Chair – Pauline Tilbury
A big THANK YOU to Kevin Joynes-Creed for all of the work he does behind the scenes to administer the club sessions and allow us to able to safely attend club meetings. Thanks Kev! 😃
Cirencester AC Juniors
Following the recent relaxing of restrictions, Cirencester Athletics have restarted their teenage training sessions. They have kindly extended an invitation to members of RSE who have children in the 12-18yrs age group that may be interested in taking up running.
A message from Dorian at Cirencester AC – Cirencester AC Teen group (12+) have a weekly session (on a Wednesday at 6:30). The session comprises physical preparation (warm up, drills, etc.) followed by a running session that will help develop technique (advice is provided) and fitness, usually finishing with a fun competitive relay. We always finish with some stretching to avoid soreness later. If the Teenagers complete a questionnaire on the website, I will produce a draft weekly plan for them, including core, strength and conditioning sessions. To participate they need to be members of the club and to complete the General Health questionnaire (or their parents/guardians do). In the summer we run at Deer Park grass track.
Please contact dorianmatts@aol.com if you would like more information.

Joining RSE/ Club Renewal
April is renewal time for membership and also a great time to join a fantastic, friendly running club!
Click the button above to join or renew membership – you will need to complete a form and then will be prompted to make a bank transfer for the membership costs.
If you have any questions please email Tracey Pitts – membershipsecretary@runningsomewhereelse.com