A new 6 week structure to your effort sessions
Your coaching team are excited to launch our ‘Fitter, Faster, Stronger’ 6 week program.
Starting on Wednesday March 31st you will have the opportunity to join one of three running groups for the 6 week period, each with a slightly different focus.

Are you returning to running following injury or have you had some time off over lockdown and want help to get your mojo back?
Sessions for this group will be coached by Carol and Paul and have been designed to challenge your aerobic fitness aiming to make your 5k more comfortable (and hopefully a bit quicker) with a focus on fun without putting you under any pressure.

Have you spent lockdown plodding and do you yearn for the adrenaline rush of a fast paced run and some healthy competition?
The running faster group will be coached by Dave and Ollie who will be there to help give your pace a kick start with a return to racing on the horizon. Sessions within this group will be targeted at improving your 5k pace and developing your speed endurance.

Do you want to run a bit further, wish your 10k felt a bit easier or have you had to cut back on your running and now want to build your distances back up?
In this group Nadine and Gareth have planned sessions which will have a focus on endurance to help you go further by developing your aerobic capacity and strength. This group would fit perfectly for those runners who have been running regularly and maintained a good level of fitness but lack the desire or the need for speed.
Although the sturcture may be a little different we would like to assure you all the things that make training with RSE so special will still be there…
Ideally you will choose your group and book into every session across the 6 week period. You can, of course, pick and choose; however you won’t get the benefits of a co-ordinated program with a dedicated focus…
Sessions will start from The Old Station Car Park in Cirencester where you will be met by your coach/coaches who will then take you on a warm up run to their chosen venue. They will take you through your efforts before returning to The Old Station Car Park to complete your post run stretches.
In order to comply with Covid-19 guidelines sessions will be limited to 12 runners per group.
As always please make sure you book your place via RunTogether (bookings open after 08.00 Wednesday 24th March)
If you have any questions feel free to contact me otherwise we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Wednesday 31st March…
Kevin 🙂