Runner Achievements
After another month of lockdown, the sun is finally shining, the daffodils are blooming and there are blue skies!
But as runners, we are out no matter the weather! As some of our club members have shown with their fantastic achievements over the last month.
Well done to Zoe Markham-Lee, who completed 100 miles over February! Not an easy feat given the short month and cold winds.
It was hard going when it was cold, but going out with Emma and Amanda (on separate runs) helped, or I wouldn’t have made it!
Zoe Markham-Lee
Linda Edwards and Cathy Steer have also passed their personal goals of reaching 4 miles following illness and injury! Using the NHS coach to 5k, Cathy and Linda inspired each other to keep going.
It was great because we could run the same step on the programme without running together all the the time. It was gradual, which helped. We are both glad to get to the point where we could join in a park run or club night when they resume.
Linda Edwards
Returning after a period away from running can be tough, both mentally and physically – congratulations to both Linda and Cathy!
New Route Suggestion
I know where I am, I just don’t know where I’m going…
Nadine Brown
Trying to recreate a route shown to her by Carol Sworn, Nadine Brown took on the task of navigator for her and Ellie Taylor, discovering a beautiful trail and road route, perfect for a spring morning. Checkout the video above for the 15 mile route starting and ending in Cirencester. Ellie completed 13.1 miles, cutting out the beginning part around Cirencester farm.
Strava Art
When there are no races, our runners set themselves new, and sometimes creative, challenges.
Well done to Cheri Edwards, who has set herself the task of creating a new Strava picture per month – in December she drew an angel, and January was a mermaid tail. This month:

Cathy Steer has also ‘accidentally’ been creating masterpieces:

In the words of Bob Ross, “We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.”
England Athletic Announcement

In case you missed it…
Earlier this week England Athletics confirmed the news we have all been waiting for releasing the following statement:
“We are pleased to confirm that clubs, groups, coaching and competition can return outdoors from 29 March for both adults and children, in line with the UK Government’s roadmap for easing lockdown restrictions announced on 22 February.”
Tomorrow (1st March) your coaching team will be launching ‘The March back to club’ consisting of four weeks worth of pledges to get you active and ready for the big return at the end of March…
Watch this space over the next few days/weeks for more information!
Weekly Club Totals